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Advance with English 牛津高中英语 (模块九 ·高三上学期).

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Presentation on theme: "Advance with English 牛津高中英语 (模块九 ·高三上学期)."— Presentation transcript:

1 Advance with English 牛津高中英语 (模块九 ·高三上学期)

2 Unit Book 10_课件_U1_Reading2-8 2 Reading The Acropolis now 板块:教学设计—课件

3 课件描述: Unit 2 本课件借助大量图片使学生直观享受卫城的美景,激发学生的阅读兴趣,并利用多样化的教学活动使学生了解其历史等背景知识。
Book 10_课件_U1_Reading2-8 课件描述: 本课件借助大量图片使学生直观享受卫城的美景,激发学生的阅读兴趣,并利用多样化的教学活动使学生了解其历史等背景知识。 3

4 Reading Step 1 Lead-in Step 2 Fast reading Step 3 Detailed reading
Step 4 Consolidation Step 5 Discussion

5 Leading in —Which country?
The 2004 Olympics--Greece

6 Brainstorming When we talk about Greece, what do you think of?
Do you know anything about Greece? What is the greatest symbol of Athens?

7 Brainstorming The Aegeon Sea Athena

8 Brainstorming The First Olympics

9 The Overview of the Acropolis

10 Elgin Marbles埃尔金石雕

11 The Parthenon 帕台农神庙

12 The Temple of Athena Nike (雅典娜胜利女神庙)

13 The Erechtheum 厄瑞克修姆神庙

14 Fast Reading Activity 1: First reading:
Read the first and the second sentences of each paragraph and find out a key noun word or phrase.

15 The main idea and structure
Paragraphs Key words Para.1 Para.2 Para.3 Para.4 Para.5 Para.6 Para.7 Great impact Ancient Acropolis Various damage Poor restoration Professional restoration Organized programme Education

16 Activity 2: Second reading:
Read the whole text, and check the key words. Get the structure of the text.

17 The main idea and structure
Paras Key words Parts Para.1 Para.2 Para.3 Para.4 Para.5 Para.6 Para.7 Great impact Part 1 Ancient Acropolis Part 2 Various damage Part 3 Poor restoration Professional restoration Part 4 Organized programme Education

18 Detailed reading Read Part 1&2 in details, trying to answer the following questions. 1. What is the great impact on Western civilization? 2. When, where and why was the Acropolis built? 3. Try to get information about the three main temples and their functions.

19 Answers to question 1 1. What is the great impact on western civilization? In philosophy, science, mathematics, art, architecture, theatre, politics and sport, the alphabet, Marathon

20 Answers to question 2 2. When, where and why was the Acropolis built?
In the 5th century BC. At a high altitude above the city. In honour of Athena.

21 Answers to question 3 3. Try to get information about the main three temples. the Parthenon: the largest , —statue of— the Erechtheum using six female statues as columns the Temple of Nike : the smallest, —statue of —

22 Activity 2: A game: Identify the temples
The Pathenon

23 Activity 2 A game: Identify the temples
The Erechtheum

24 Activity 2 A game: Identify the temples
The Temple of Nike

25 Detailed reading Activity 3:
Read part 3, and fill in the form in pairs.

26 causes earthquake Natural forces plant roots bird droppings war explosion, warehouse Stole stones,marbles Deliberately: theft Stole the best sculptures Mankind acid rain polluted air Unintentionally: bad reconstruction walking around the sites

27 Detailed reading Activity 4:
Read part 4, trying to fill in the form in groups.

28 Retelling Measures its/it/they… ---reference markers Government
____1____ ____5____ Poor/bad restoration _______2________ of a committee Establishment ___3___the poor restoration Fixing Restoration Cleaning … Committee Removing ___4____ its statues… Education Teaching the____6_____ of avoiding… consensus its/it/they… ---reference markers

29 The Last reading Read the text again, trying to find out four words to summary the whole text. func f___tion c______tion construc destruc d_____tion restora r_____tion

30 Discussion As for us, when we travel to the historic sites, what should we do so as to protect them? Try to use the linking words. On one hand,… On the other hand,… Finally,… For one thing,… For another,… Besides,…

31 Homework Finish the exercise C2 on page 20 and E on page 21 of our textbook. Read the passage “Architecture in ancient Greece ” on the paper.

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