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1 Relationships

2 History of relationships research
Pre1960s Festinger, Schachter, & Bach, 1950 1960s-70s Newcomb, 1961 Byrne, 1961 Walster, Aronson, Abrahams, & Rottman, 1966 Dutton & Aron, 1974 1980s Love, Investment model 1990s Evolutionary psych 2000s “Real” relationships People say that physical attraction isn’t that important, but research shows that it is

3 Predictors of attraction (target)
What factors affect perceptions of physical attractiveness across cultures? Where are there cultural differences? Who is it more important for?

4 “Averaged” faces are more symmetrical

5 And it doesn’t just matter for romantic relationships
Physically attractive children are punished less Physically attractive defendants get lighter sentences Plain people make 5-10% less than average-looking people, who make about 4% less than very physically attractive people (controlling for gender, education, occupation, etc.) Strong consensus across cultures Why?

6 What is beautiful is good stereotype (Snyder, Tanke, & Berscheid, 1978)
Physically attractive seen as more Sociable Extraverted Happy Popular Friendly Mature Sexually warm Likeable Well-adjusted Poised In US/Canada, also strong, assertive, and dominant In S. Korea, also sensitive, honest, empathic, trustworthy, generous

7 What else affects attraction?
Other target or perceiver or situation variables? What’s the story on similarity vs. complementarity?

8 Major theoretical approaches
Social exchange theory (Blau, 1964) Equity theory (Walster, Walster, & Berscheid, 1978) Interdependence theory (Thibaut & Kelley, 1959) Investment model (Rusbult, 1990) Attachment theory (Hazan & Shaver, 1987) Evolutionary psychology (Buss, Kenrick) Communal vs. exchange relationships (Clark)

9 Investment Model (Rusbult)
Draw the model Predicts 50-90% of commitment in relationships of all types (dating, marriage, domestic abuse, homosexual, jobs) Predicts willingness to accommodate Predicts when people will derogate alternatives EVLN How does it differ from equity? From social exchange?

10 Attachment Bowlby Ainsworth “Strange Situation”
Secure, Avoidant, Anxious-ambivalent Hazan & Shaver, 1987 Avoidance vs. Ambivalence as separate dimensions Secure Preoccupied Fearful avoidant Dismissive avoidant

11 Secure I find it relatively easy to get close to others an am comfortable depending on them and having them depend on me. I don’t often worry about being abandoned or about someone getting too close.

12 Avoidant I am somewhat uncomfortable being close to others. I feel it difficult to trust them completely, difficult to allow myself to depend on them. I am nervous when anyone gets close and often romantic partners want me to be more intimate than I feel comfortable being.

13 Anxious/ambivalent I find that others are reluctant to get as close as I would like. I often worry that my partner doesn’t really love me or won’t stay with me. I want to merge completely with another person, and this desire sometimes scares people away.

14 More recent measures of attachment
Adult Attachment Interview (George, Kaplan, & Main, 1985) ECR-R (Fraley, Waller, & Brennan, 2000) List of measures

15 Attachment theory (Bowlby, Hazen & Shaver, Feeney, Simpson)
Our experiences with parents and later partners can affect how we view relationships Views of others vs. views of self What is the problem with looking at these categorically? When does someone become an attachment figure? What is main point of Attachment theory? Is it evolutionary?

16 Love (80s) Rubin’s love scale Companionate vs. passionate love (Berscheid & Walster, 1978) Sternberg’s triangular theory (intimacy, passion, commitment) Love styles (Henrick & Henrick) eros, ludus, storge, mania, agape, pragma Sternberg’s love as a theory (scripts) How can love be best conceptualized?

17 Passionate vs. companionate love
Passionate: intense longing with arousal. I would feel deep despair if X left me. My thoughts are often on X. I would rather be with X than anyone else. X always seems to be on my mind. Companionate love: intimacy and affection. I have confidence in the stability of my relationship with X. I am committed to X. I expect my love for X to last the rest of my life.

18 Sternberg’s triangular theory

19 Evolutionary psych Parental investment model (Trivers, 1972)
Strategic pluralism (Gangestad & Simpson, 2000) What is attractive Long vs. short term strategies Jealousy Scent Rape Avoiding temptation Warding off rivals

20 Evolution vs. Relationship Sci
How do these 2 approaches tend to differ? Their focus Their type of explanation Their questions Adversarial collaboration

21 Conflict-confluence continuum model
What does the model do? Figure 1—give examples of each What affects when people will be more on one side vs. the other? What other findings could this model explain/integrate?

22 Ovulatory shift hypothesis
What is it? What moderates its effects? Why does it occur? Maintenance hypothesis Dual-mating hypothesis Adaptive workaround Integrations (Table 1) Moderated by relationship features Extended sexuality Inhibition (I3 model, Figure 6)

23 Fertility effects on women
Women prefer the smell of symmetrical and genetically dissimilar men when they are ovulating (and similar men otherwise) Women dress more fashionably They buy sexier clothing They make more money if they use attractiveness to make money They are attracted to more masculine men (e.g., strong jaw, deep voice, tall) They flirt more They are less committed to partner

24 Fertility effects on men
When a man’s partner is ovulating, he Is more attentive Is more jealous Sees other men as more of a threat

25 Adaptions/Big questions
What necessarily is adaptive? Does everything have to be? If someone doesn’t cheat, is it always for the partner? Moderators in Table 2 How does dissonance fit in with all this? Your questions/comments

26 Jealousy effects Imagine your partner having sex with someone else.
Imagine your partner sharing his/her deepest secrets with someone else. Which would bother you more?

27 Men—more sexual jealousy Women—more emotional jealousy But:
Does one imply the other? Are men just more affected by thinking about sex? Or are men just more avoidant? Hard to test in the real world

28 Understanding Why is this important in relationships?
Is perceived or actual more important? What are moderators of understanding? Break down Figure 1 What does this model suggest about other types of understanding (e.g., political, empathy for other groups, police)? Your questions

29 Manipulations of closeness
Aron, Melinat, Aron, Vallone, & Bator, 1997

30 Equilibrium Model of Relationship Maintenance (Murray et al. 2015)
Builds on risk regulation model Draw the model Who are these “high risk” partners?

31 Murray et al., 2015 Questions/Issues with study SoReMo (Kenny)
Diary study Multilevel model Operational definition of risk Table 1 significance How would you do this with same-gender couples? What alternatives did they rule out? What about gender differences?

32 Cavallo, Murray, & Holmes, 2014
Commitment insurance system Seek connection vs. avoid rejection When does this model apply more? Is trust a matter of the individual or his/her partner? Is self-esteem a good operationalization of trust? How do attachment styles relate to the model? Why would this be a controlled process? What is the “smart unconscious”?

33 Moderators of risk regulation
Whether immediate or distant (not tied to certain relationship) threats Chronic trust in the partner Self-esteem Attachment anxiety How do these factors relate to anxious vs. avoidant attachment and their reactions? How does this affect initiation of relationships?

34 Rules If = ptr, then ptr committed Find similar mate value
Maintain match Comparisons change commitment (lke Swann study) Doubt of self leads low SE to doubt ptr High SE to think ptr loves them more

35 If exchange concerns, promote dependence If ptr dependent, then = ptr
If ptr committed, pursue connectedness Low SE responds to rejection w/ withdrawal How different from attachment? Is low SE = anxious attachment? Avoidant attachment?

36 Similarities between theories
Cognitive dissonance and Risk regulation/Equilibrium model Attachment Investment Three with each other What implications do the three have for how to make a relationship work?

37 How interconnected are we?
Six degrees of Kevin Bacon It also only takes about 6-7 steps to get to another person in the same country by mail Or to anyone among the millions of people on the internet ( study and Microsoft messenger project)

38 Speed dating

39 Gottman research
4 horsemen of the apocalypse Contempt Stonewalling Defensiveness Criticism

40 How to have a good relationship
Have surprise (Berscheid, 1983) Do novel, exciting activities (Aron) Make positive attributions Assume they love you and make them feel loved (Murray) Remember the positive Think you’re better than other couples Be accurate but positive (Fletcher)

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