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Greening energy investments

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Presentation on theme: "Greening energy investments"— Presentation transcript:

1 Greening energy investments
The EU renewables policy Florou Aikaterini DG Energy European Commission

2 Global share of RE investments towards EU
Global trends in RE investment by region Source: BNEF Global trends in RE investment 2017

3 Differences in investments in clean energy across countries/region

4 Differences in investments in clean energy across countries

5 Differences in investments in clean energy across countries

6 European global leadership in wind energy
Source: JRC report "Research, Innovation and Competitiveness in the Energy Union"

7 European global leadership in wind energy
Source: JRC report "Research, Innovation and Competitiveness in the Energy Union"

8 Global share of RE capacity (combined)

9 Global share of RE capacity (for solar PV and wind energy)
Global share of solar PV capacity Global share of wind energy capacity

10 Global share of RE capacity by region and technology

11 Agreed headline targets: 2020 and 2030 Framework for Climate and Energy
-20% Greenhouse Gas Emissions 20% Renewable Energy 20% Energy Efficiency 10% Interconnection 2020  -40% Greenhouse Gas Emissions  27% Renewable Energy  27%* Energy Efficiency 15% Interconnection 2030 * To be reviewed by 2020, having an EU level of 30% in mind. New governance system + indicators

12 50/27 2030 RES share in electricity production 2030 RES share in TFEC
18/5 66/19 50/27 31/17 16/9 42/22 22/8 34/7 17/12 14/5 19/10 27/9 25/16 84/42 20/8 11/9 54/15 Based on IRENA (2016)

13 Renewables move centre stage – but all fuels can contribute in the long-run
Decarbonisation scenarios - fuel ranges (primary energy consumption in %) Source: European Commission

14 Canada: Canada-EU High-Level Energy dialogues, including smart grids, integration of variable renewable energy, and biofuels USA: US-EU Energy Council with discussion on smart grids, renewable energy and biofuels Sustainable energy included in negotiations on EU-US Transatlantic Trade Partnership JRC – US DOE collaboration programme EU-US research cooperation on energy water nexus under WP of H2020 Mexico: Coordinated WP & WP call on geothermal energy (10 mln each) Future cooperation on High-Performance Computing for energy Partnership instrument under Low Carbon Business Actin on energy efficiency in SMEs Caribbean: Joint Caribbean-EU Partnership Strategy EU-CARIFORUM Sustainable Energy Conference EU-CELAC action plan, including promotion of renewable energy and energy efficiency projects

15 CELAC: EU-CELAC action plan, including promotion of renewable energy and energy efficiency projects EU-LAC Foundation to strengthen regional partnership process Enhanced renewable energy cooperation in WP of H2020 Belmont Forum on collaborative research on urban energy transitions Brazil: EC-Brazil Energy Policy Dialogue (since 2007) on sustainable biofuels, other renewable energy technologies, and low carbon technologies EU-Brazil coordinated call on biofuels as part of H2020 research programme (5 mln each) JRC-Brazil Cooperation Arrangement, including bioenergy and smart grids EU-Brazil Atlantic Ocean Research Cooperation High Performance Computing for Energy Chile: EU-Chile Association Agreement Evaluation of potential collaboration on ocean energy technologies

16 China: EU-China Energy Roadmap

17 Green path not strewn with roses An overview of renewables disputes
Disputes under public international law Energy Charter Treaty International Investment Arbitration World Trade Organization Disputes under EU law Disputes under Contracts

18 Green path not strewn with roses An overview of renewables disputes
Disputes under public international law - Cases, among others, against Spain, Czech Republic, Italy, and Bulgaria. Examples: PV Investors v. Spain (UNCITRAL), Construction Investment v. Spain (SCC), Termosolar v. Spain (ICSID) - WTO cases, for example Canada – Certain Measures Affecting the Renewable Energy Generation Sector

19 Green path not strewn with roses An overview of renewables disputes
Disputes under EU law - Earlier cases: Outokumpu & PreussenElektra - Recent cases: C-573/12 Ålands vindkraft AB v Energimyndigheten, C-204/12-C-208/12 Essent Belgium NV v. Vlaamse Regulingsinstantie voor de Elektriciteits- en Gasmarkt Obligation also of the Energy Community to transpose EU legislation, including the Renewable Energy Directive 2009/28/EC.

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