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Enterprise Content Management Owners Representative Contract Approval

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1 Enterprise Content Management Owners Representative Contract Approval
RTD Board of Directors Financial Administration and Audit Committee November 10, 2015

2 ECM Project Overview What is ECM?
Enterprise Content Management (ECM) is a formalized means of organizing and storing an organization's documents, and other content, that relate to the organization's processes. The term encompasses strategies, methods, and tools used throughout the lifecycle of the content.


4 ECM Owners Representative Overview of Scope
Develop background and requirements for ECM implementation Policies and procedures Consistent taxonomy (naming) and metadata structure (data definitions) Functional and technical requirements and capabilities Develop recommendations for path forward Provide range of alternatives and estimated costs In-house, hosted, or software-as-a-service Alternatives for different implementation budgets

5 ECM Owners Representative Overview of Scope
Assistance with procurement Could include new systems, system upgrades, or implementation services Change management Training Messaging to staff and contractors Addressing internal and external concerns with implementation Oversight of implementation Contract monitoring Independent verification and validation

6 ECM Owners Representative Procurement Process
Best value procurement based on evaluation criteria Understanding of technical, institutional, logistical, operational issues and solutions Cost Experience and commitment of project manager Experience of the firms Experience and commitment of key staff Project plan Included 8% SBE goal set by the SBO Office

7 ECM Owners Representative Procurement Process
Released RFP on July 1, 2015 Received three responses on August 4, 2015 IQBG Ciber Triunity Engineering and Management Proposals evaluated by review committee Included representation from departments outside Finance & Administration

8 ECM Owners Representative Procurement Process
Review committee recommended IQBG Technical expertise Prior experience with similar projects in the public sector Favorable references from previous clients Best understanding of issues and project plan Lowest cost

9 ECM Owners Representative Contract Structure
Fixed price contract with defined scope of work through procurement phase Fixed price of $653,230 Future year options to be negotiated based on level of effort needed for selected alternative Future Board authorization will be required to exercise the future year options

10 ECM Project Cost $1.8M included in the 2016 Recommended Budget
Owners Representative initial contract is covered by this budget Additional $11.9M included in the SBP for Funding estimate based on a purchased solution hosted and maintained at RTD Total cost and timing of expenditures would change if a different alternative were selected

11 Cost of Not Doing ECM Project
Current estimate of ongoing content management over the SBP period Range from $16M - $20M These funds are not included in the SBP Would need to add these funds back into the SBP if the ECM project is not done

12 Cost of Not Doing ECM Project
RTD still would need content management Annual maintenance, replacements, and upgrades for current content management systems Additional or upgraded content management systems to meet identified gaps in content management Paper document storage IT support for content management systems Hardware for data storage Software to integrate existing and new systems Staffing to maintain hardware and software Functional staffing for content management Records Management General Counsel Other departments Risk of non-compliance CORA Litigation

13 ECM Project Schedule Selection of owners representative November 2015
Milestone Completion Selection of owners representative November 2015 Policies and procedures May 2016 Functional and technical requirements July 2016 Selection of path forward September 2016 Procurement February 2017 Full implementation Mid-2019

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