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Do Now Monday, September 25, 2017

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1 Do Now Monday, September 25, 2017
Have you ever felt pressured to do something or behave in a particular way? *I have felt pressured to_______________. My response to this pressure is/was to_________________. Students will be able to write an introduction in their writer’s notebooks.

2 Agenda 9/25 Starter Anchor Video Centers Small group-Niki’s Massage
HOMEWORK Read 20 minutes-reading log Students will be able to write an introduction in their writer’s notebooks.

3 DLO Students will be able to write an introduction in their writer’s notebooks.

4 Some teen feel peer pressure to…
What negative impact can peer pressure have on teens? Peer Pressure How can teens deal with peer pressure?

5 After watching the video, be prepared to discuss two different kinds of pressure teens face.
1. One kind of pressure some teens face is_________________. 2. Another kind of peer pressure is____________________.

6 Create a Web Brainstorm different pressures that teens face from their peers: 1. Some teens feel peer pressure to ________. 2. One effect that peer pressure may have on teens is ______________. 3. Teens can handle peer pressure positively by _____________.

7 Computers Richie Mike John
Rotations- 20 min Computers Richie Mike John Small Group GiGi Nate Jeremiah Independent Reading AJ Alexis

8 Computers GiGi Nate Jeremiah
Rotations-20 Min Independent Reading Richie Mike John Small Group AJ Alexis

9 Rotations- 20 Min Computers AJ Alexis Small Group Independent Richie
Mike John Independent Reading GiGi Nate Jeremiah

10 Niki’s Message What is one serious pressure that Niki faces?
One serious pressure that Niki faces is . Does Niki manage to fit in at school? Why or why not? Niki does/does not manage to fit in because … Would you say that Niki has a positive or a negative attitiude about her family’s problems? Niki has a positive/negative attitude about her family’s problems because…

11 Wrap-up Pair/Share center expectations

12 Do Now Tuesday, September 26, 2017
Write two good questions about peer pressure. How can I make good choices when I’m under pressure to ____________________? Why do teens feel _____________ when ________________?

13 Agenda Starter Center expectations Centers Wrap-up HOMEWORK
Small Group: Academic Vocabulary Wrap-up HOMEWORK Read 20 minutes & log

14 DLO Students will be able to define new vocabulary words in their rBooks.

15 Activate Prior Knowledge
Read 1: What did peer pressure do to Eric Alvarez? Peer pressure caused Eric to ________________. Read 2: What does looking into a mirror have to do with self-esteem? Looking into a mirror __________ a person’s self-esteem. Read 3: Why is it tough to stand up to a crowd? It’s tough to stand up to a crowd because_____________.

16 Rating Vocabulary 1- I don’t know the word at all 2- I have seen/heard it before 3-I think I know the word, but I’m not sure 4-I know and use the word

17 Rotations Computers AJ Alexis Small Group Jeremiah Nate GiGi
Independent Reading Richie John Mike

18 Computers Jeremiah Nate GiGi
Rotations Independent Reading AJ Alexis Small Group Richie John Mike

19 Rotations Computers Richie John Mike Small Group Jeremiah AJ Nate
Alexis Independent Reading Jeremiah Nate GiGi

20 Wrap Up The most interesting word I learned today is _____________ because ________________.

21 Do Now Wednesday, September 27, 2017
Make a prediction about the news article “Tragic Death on Train.” I think the article will be about _______.

22 Agenda Starter Read “Tragic Death on a Train” Centers
Small Group-Problem/Solution Wrap-up HOMEWORK Read 20 mins-reading log

23 DLO SWBAT identify and organize information to find the problem and solution in a news article.

24 Tragic Death on Train How might peer pressure play a role in a teen’s death? How…? What…? Why…? I think Eric gave into peer pressure because_______. One negative effect of peer pressure might be_____.

25 Reading 1 VOCABULARY Rebel
One way teenagers rebel is by____________. (verb+ing) Teens might rebel against their parents because ___________________.

26 React and Write Describe a time when you faced negative peer pressure. Did you stand up for what was right? Why or why not? I faced negative peer pressure when___________. I did/did not stand up for what was right because _________.

27 Small Group: Graphic Organizer p. 121
Attempt 1: Eric’s aunt warned him to stop, saying, “It’s better to be called a chicken.” Attempt 2: Eric’s girlfriend tried to get him to stop. She begged him not to surf the subway. Solution: Teens must be brave enough to fight against negative peer pressure, which can kill.

28 Wrap Up: Summarize Peer pressure cost Eric his life because (topic)_____________________________. His friends (important detail)______________________________.

29 Computers Jeremiah Nate GiGi
Rotations Computers Jeremiah Nate GiGi Small Group John Mike Rich Independent Reading Alexis AJ

30 Computers John Mike Rich
Rotations Computers John Mike Rich Independent Reading Jeremiah Nate GiGi Small Group Alexis AJ

31 Rotations Computers Alexis AJ Small Group John Jeremiah Mike Nate Rich
GiGi Independent Reading John Mike Rich

32 Do Now Thursday, September 28, 2017
Teens are under pressure because______. An authority on self-esteem might help teens by _______.

33 Agenda Starter Read “The Secrets of Self-Esteem” Centers
Small Group-Problem/Solution Wrap-up HOMEWORK Reading Logs Mon-Friday 25 Points 

34 DLO SWBAT identify problems and solutions in a magazine article using text markings.

35 React and Write What qualities do you most value in others? Good looks or what’s on the inside? Be honest. (3 lines) The quality I value most in others is _______________________, because .

36 Problem and Solution A problem is a situation or event that causes trouble. A solution is what fixes the problem. Complete the chart with the problem and solution in “Tragic Death on Train.” p. 121

37 Secrets of Self-Esteem
The text tells me that teens often suffer from low self-esteem. Why do you think this problem affects teens especially? Turn to your partner and generate more questions like this. Write down 3.

38 Computers John Mike Rich
Rotations Computers John Mike Rich Small Group Alexis AJ Independent Reading Jeremiah Nate GiGi

39 Rotations Computers Alexis AJ Small Group Independent Reading Jeremiah
Nate GiGi Independent Reading John Mike Rich

40 Rotations Computers Jeremiah Nate GiGi Small Group John Alexis Mike AJ
Rich Independent Reading Alexis AJ

41 Do Now Friday, September 29, 2017
Get you progress monitoring books and a piece of graph paper.

42 Agenda Do Now: Set up graph paper and progress monitoring books.
Complete progress monitoring. Model reading fluently and think aloud for comprehension. Take reading counts quiz!

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