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domestic environments

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Presentation on theme: "domestic environments"— Presentation transcript:

1 domestic environments
Efficient 3D object perception and grasp planning for mobile manipulation in domestic environments Jörg Stückler, Ricarda Steffens, Dirk Holz, Sven Behnke University of Bonn Presented by: Masatoshi Chang-Ogimoto

2 Cosero Robot

3 Cosero cognitive service robot [Stückler 2012]


5 Main Topics 3D Perception Grasp Planning

6 Real-time 3D Perception

7 Tabletop Object Detection

8 Tabletop Object Detection

9 Processing Pipeline Compute normals Extract horizontal points
Detect support plane Detect object candidates Track objects

10 Computing Normal [Holzer 2012]

11 Integral Image [Holzer 2012]

12 Integral Image [Integral Image]

13 Calculate Vectors Smoothing Area Map [Holzer 2012]

14 Resulting Normals

15 [Holzer 2012]

16 Efficient Grasp Planning

17 Coarse to Fine Strategy
Approach table reference frame Adjust height and distance to table Align itself to workspace for arm Bring end-effector to pre-grasp position Move to object and grasp it Bring to pre-grasp position

18 Feasible Grasps Grasp width Object height Reachability Collision

19 Ranking of Grasps Distance to object center Grasp width
Grasp orientation Distance from robot

20 Grasp Calculation

21 Checking for Collisions



24 Tabletop Grasp

25 Shelf Grasp

26 Tabletop Grasp


28 Shelf Grasp


30 RoboCup German Open 2012 @Home Winner: NimbRo

31 RoboCup German Open 2011: Final of Team NimbRo@Home

32 RoboCup 2011: @Home Winner Team NimbRo

33 References Holz, D., Holzer, S., Rusu, R. B., & Behnke, S. (n.d.). Real-Time Plane Segmentation using RGB-D Cameras. Holzer, S., Rusu, R. B., Dixon, M., Gedikli, S., & Navab, N. (2012). Adaptive Neighborhood Selection for Real-Time Surface Normal Estimation from Organized Point Cloud Data Using Integral Images. IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems. Integral Image. Stückler, J., Steffens, R., Holz, D., & Behnke, S. (2012). Efficient 3D Object Perception and Grasp Planning for Mobile Manipulation in Domestic Environments. Robotics and Autonomous Systems. Stückler, J., Schwarz, M., & Behnke, S. (2016). Mobile Manipulation, Tool Use, and Intuitive Interaction for Cognitive Service Robot Cosero. Frontiers in Robotics and AI, 3, 58.

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