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Project 2: Interactive Timeline

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1 Project 2: Interactive Timeline

2 Printing Press History Image Invented 1456 by Johann Guttenberg
With printed media becoming more available to the public, educators quickly seized this tool to teach reading and art. This invention also allowed people to educate themselves at home since more books were being printed faster than before.

3 Blackboard History Image Invented 1801 by James Pillans
He combined several erasable slates to offer geography lessons. Later was also used for bigger mathematical equations. This changed the classroom as students could now use visual learning, and be able to interact and participate more fully in the classroom.

4 E.L. Thorndike History Image
Thorndike was one of the first theorists whose theory was used in education. He’s notably known for his Law of Effect and Law of Exercise Theories in 1898. His theory revealed that learning skills were determined by an individualistic set of skills as opposed to a person’s relative age.

5 Cognitive Development Theory
History Image Jean Piaget began developing his Cognitive Development Theory in Piaget discovered that children learn differently depending on their age. He realized that children are not less competent, but rather saw the world differently. By 1966 governments began adopting his theory and helped shape curriculum in the classroom.

6 Operant Conditioning Theory
History Image B.F. Skinner published his Operant Conditioning Theory in 1938. Skinner’s theory was primarily based on behaviors that are reinforced positively or negatively depending on what the desired outcome is. His theory was based more on change in observable behavior rather than speculative learning.

7 Computer History Image Invented 1945 by Alan Turing
In 1982 the government allowed tax deductions to corporations who donated computers to educational organizations. This gave schools access to technology that otherwise might have been too costly. This technology allowed for innovation in the classroom such as practice testing, drills, and access to word processing programs.

8 Blooms Taxonomy History Image
Developed in 1956 by Benjamin Bloom and a group of educational psychologists. It was later modernized to fit the more goal-oriented education models of the early 2000’s. Ideally the goal is to cover material using each level of understanding to fully comprehend the subject matter.

9 Condition of Learning Theory
History Image Robert Gagne published his book Conditions of Learning in 1965. Gagne’s theory states that there are many levels in which learning takes place. He states that with each level of learning, each requires a different method of teaching. This method helped shape the future of instructional design, and is a great influence in education and training.

10 ADDIE Model History Image
While its origins can be traced back to the 1950’s by Florida State University, the ADDIE Model gained its popularity when it was adopted by the U.S. Army in 1975 which then led to its introduction to the public sector. Educators/trainers found the individualization of each stage very useful as each stage undergoes rigorous and constant evaluation.

11 Internet History Image Invented 1974 by Vint Cerf & Bob Kahn.
No longer were students restricted to studying only what they found in their libraries as they had unlimited access to information from all over the world. This technology also allows for teachers to use it as a resource for teaching lessons.

12 Social Learning Theory
History Image Albert Bandura theorized in that people can learn through observation as well as from their own behavior. Bandura’s theory states that human behavior is a continuous reciprocal interaction between behavior, environmental factors, and personal factors. His behavioral theory is still the foundation of many training programs today.

13 Multiple Intelligences Theory
History Image Published in 1983 by Howard Gardner, his theory stated that people view the world differently depending on how they learn. He confronted the existing educational models in the classroom where everyone is currently taught in an unchanging manner with identical materials. Gardner states that each learner is distinct, and should be taught as such.

14 Mobile Technology History Image
Although the first fully functional laptop was created in 1981, mobile technology didn’t boom until the introduction of more mobile devices like phones, e-readers, PDA’s, and tablets. The technology explosion in education changed the way classes are taught since now practically every student has access to e-books, study guides, tutorial sites, and instant group communication.

15 E-Books History Image The e-book was first introduced in 1998, and in 2007 Amazon’s Kindle took off in popularity in the U.S. Schools later began adopting these e-readers as a cost saving effort, thus giving students the capability to carry several books in one mobile device. The more interactive reading experience has been shown to keep students more engaged in their learning when compared to a paper book.

16 Cloud Storage History Image
Originally conceived in 1969 by J.C.R. Licklider, cloud storage began its current inception in 1999 when began delivering applications and software over the internet. Cloud storage changed the way students collaborate with instructors as files can easily be shared among the classroom with ease. Experts claim that cloud storage has not yet reached its potential, and will continue to shape the way education is done in the classroom.

17 By: Mauro Garcia References

18 Printing Press Blackboard Computer Internet Cognitive Theory

19 Condition of Learning Theory
Operant Conditioning Learning Thorndike ADDIE Model Bloom’s Taxonomy

20 Mobile Technology E-books Multiple Intelligences Theory Social Learning Theory Cloud Memory

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