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Today’s objective: We will use Cornell Notes to define and give examples of culture and culture traits. CULTURE and CULTURE TRAITS

3 What is culture? Culture is the set of beliefs, behaviors, and traits shared by a group of people. It is possible to be part of more than one culture. In the United States we have many different cultures.

4 What are culture traits?
Culture traits are the beliefs, traditions, and symbols of a particular culture

5 Let’s list some examples of culture traits.

Skin color A group of people with a common racial, national, religious, or cultural background. Appearance can be apart of ethnic group. Make up Tattoos Piercing Tribal customs Clothing Maori-New Zealand Kayan (burma)

7 RELIGION Is a central part of many cultures. It affects social life and customs. What different things do the people believe in? Religions Christianity Judaism Hinduism Islam Sikhism

What celebrations and annual holidays are traditional in their lives? Birthdays Anniversaries Christmas / Easter Ramadan Yom Kippur Chanukah Day of the Dead 4th of July Canada Day Mardi Gras

9 FOOD What types of food are eaten? How is the food cooked?
“Mexican” “Chinese” What types of food are eaten? “Italian” Barbeque How is the food cooked? Fried insects How is it eaten? Fork, spoon, knife Chinese – soy sauce Chop sticks Eat with hands Eat sitting on floor Spain – saffron India - curry Coastal locations - seafood

10 HOMES and BUILDINGS What kind of homes and architecture is there?
Houses Apartments Town houses Mobile homes Brick, stucco, stone Caves Homes on stilts Basements A/C or no A/C Igloo Log cabin Tepee

11 TRANSPORTATION How do the people get from one place to another?
Walking Car or truck How do the people get from one place to another? Bus Subway Motorcycle Bicycle Rollerblades Skateboard Horseback Elephant Boat Airplane Camels

12 THE ARTS AND SPORTS Music Dancing What do people do in their life for fun and entertainment? Literature Visual Arts Soccer Television Movies Books

Talking (face-to-face) Telephone Texting How do the people communicate and exchange ideas? “Snail” mail Sign language Body language Facial expression

14 LANGUAGE What language(s) are spoken? Spanish Arabic Texas accent
Dialect is a regional variety of language with unique features such as vocabulary, grammar or pronunciation. New York accent Cajun accent Speaking softly Speaking loudly Whisper How to pronounce some words How to spell some words The names of certain things could be different English

15 Texas accent Dance Read Play sports Watch television Car or truck Play music Camel Boat Bus Walking Whisper Talking (face-to-face) Mexican Food Or Tex-Mex?

16 Maori-New Zealand Near a body of water House Apartment Igloo
Mail a letter Mobile home in China Log cabin Spanish Telephone English Maori-New Zealand

17 Eat with fork, spoon, and knife
Sari - India Different skin colors Birthdays Eat with fork, spoon, and knife 4th of July Italian Food Judaism Religion Christianity Eat with chop sticks Japanese Greeting

18 I will note traits of different cultures found in my own classroom.

October 16: Today’s learning intention: We will discover traits that make an area a culture region. CULTURE and CULTURE TRAITS

20 Culture region

21 Culture region An area of the world in which many people share culture traits, such as beliefs, history, and language.

22 Culture region An area of the world in which many people share culture traits, such as beliefs, history, and language. There are seven major culture regions around the world.


24 Cultural diffusion (movement) Occurs when people migrate from one country in order to settle in another.

25 Cultural diffusion (movement) Occurs when people migrate from one country in order to settle in another. They bring their culture traits with them and adopt new culture traits from their new country.

26 migrate

27 To move from one country or area to another
migrate To move from one country or area to another

28 Push factors

29 The problems that push people out of one country
Push factors The problems that push people out of one country

30 The problems that push people out of one country
Push factors The problems that push people out of one country Examples: War Poverty Overcrowding Lack of jobs and education

31 Pull factors

32 The advantages that pull people into a new country
Pull factors The advantages that pull people into a new country

33 The advantages that pull people into a new country
Pull factors The advantages that pull people into a new country Examples: Better jobs Education freedom Peace safety

34 Today’s assignment: I will color and label the seven major culture regions on a world map. Use the textbook, p. 25, as your guide. Remember to give your map ToDaL-SiG.

35 Cultural borrowing Taking ideas and practices from another culture, ethic group or religion.

36 Cultural borrowing Taking ideas and practices from another culture, ethic group or religion. Example: a Christian practicing some Buddhist ways of prayer.

37 Cultural borrowing Taking ideas and practices from another culture, ethic group or religion. Example: a Christian practicing some Buddhist concepts. Example: the Christmas traditions of one country being practiced in another country.

38 Globalization of culture
Refers to the sharing of ideas and values around the world through the Internet, social media, and international travel. Examples: McDonald’s Starbucks

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