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Walking on Stones Walking on Stones Walking on Stones.

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1 Walking on Stones Walking on Stones Walking on Stones

2 Walking on Stones Methuselah Therapeutic value reflexology The GREAT toe Reflexology changes health – Diabetes – Fibromyalgia – Sinusitis – Arthritis and more. Casey Leea Case Study Walking on stonesa theory. Walking on Stones Walking on Stones Walking on Stones

3 Methuselah In ancient times, people may not have worn shoes. Walking on stones was a ready-made health insurance. If I walked on smooth stones daily, would it encourage better health in my body? The 7200 nerve endings in your feet say, Yes! Walking on Stones Walking on Stones Walking on Stones

4 A Reflexology Path in Seattle, WA

5 Alternative and Complementary Healing Healing the problem does not mask the symptoms. Medications mask symptoms, but do not cure the underlying illness. Sickness breeds apathy, sadness, lack of motivation, and resignation to age-related aches and pains. Alternative and Complementary therapies show us that we do not have to feel so bad at our age. Time is necessary to heal and curealternatives take more time, but the results are more lasting. Walking on Stones Walking on Stones Walking on Stones

6 The Great Toe The GREAT toe and its significance Thyroid gland reflex and lack of attention Changes in the neck are evident Plantar/Dorsal discovery made in June. (Toe Charts)Toe Charts Walking on Stones Walking on Stones Walking on Stones

7 The Great Toe The Brain and its Functions


9 MarieAge 86 24 April 200811 November 2008

10 Marie Writes For years I have been off balance when walking. I would veer to the right and could not walk in a straight line. As I left my first reflexology appointment in April 2008, I was amazed to be walking in a straight line to the car. My legs felt lighter and easier to move, which gave me more get up and go in the morning. My legs improved with each treatment and have been holding. I have a constant pain behind my right ear, which was diagnosed as a nerve pressure, but doctors were not able to relieve the pain. Since having reflexology treatments the pain has diminished. Reflexology has helped me get around better. I want to get up and go now instead of just sitting. I always say to Connie, Just keep me on my feet until its my time and she is doing that. Marie Foster

11 SusanMaries DaughterAge 47 24 April 200815 November 2008

12 The Great Toe The Thyroid may have a direct effect on several diseases including: diabetes, fibromyalgia, and some cancers. Taking good care of the thyroid may help ward off many diseases. It is difficult to prove because you do not get the disease if it is prevented! Taking good care of the thyroid may help diabetics control their diabetic complications, such as diabetic wounds. (See Case Study)Case Study Walking on Stones Walking on Stones Walking on Stones

13 Reflexology and Diabetes Diabetics may have wounds that will not heal, amputations, loss of sight, and many other complications from being diabetic. Weight control is difficult for many diabetics. Medical implications for diabetics are astronomical and costly. Does reflexology help these issues? – Mom – Case Study Case Study Walking on Stones Walking on Stones Walking on Stones

14 Walking on Stones Creating an atmosphere of well-being in the bodys systems by walking on stonesa theory. Treatments are best, but when you cannot get a treatment, try walking on stones. Buy 10 bags of smooth stones at a dollar store, or discount store. Lay them out on the floor in a pile and walk around on the stones. If the stones stick to your feet walk around on the stones that stick. Work your own reflexes this way and begin to experience reflexologys benefits! Walking on Stones Walking on Stones Walking on Stones

15 Keep Walking by Walking on Stones! Shouldnt you be walking on stones? Walking on Stones Walking on Stones Walking on Stones

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