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STATE ASSESSMENT DATA Madam President, Board Members, Dr. Gacutan

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1 STATE ASSESSMENT DATA Madam President, Board Members, Dr. Gacutan
Good evening.

2 Presentation Overview & Outcome
BCS Assessments for Accountability State Assessment Data & Trends Outcome Birmingham City Schools Board of Education members will have a more thorough understanding of student achievement data from state assessments. For our time together today, I wanted to review: The assessments that students take this year in Birmingham City Schools for Accountability We will also look at our state assessment data from the district view. The outcome or what I plan to get accomplished today is that you will …

Grade 3-8 and 10 Accountability (ESEA) College and Career Readiness Indicator for Accountability (PLAN 2020) Accountability in the state of Alabama has two arms. There is the ESEA side and the Plan 2020 side. The assessments that are used for measurements on the ESEA side are the PLAN for the for the school year and the ACT Aspire. These assessments as well as ACT Plus Writing will be used for measurement under the PLAN 2020 side. We know that one of the 6 indicators for College and Career Readiness is the meeting of Benchmarks on the ACT Plus Writing. These are the assessments that will be reviewed.

4 ACT PLAN Average Scores
We are going to start with the PLAN. Even though we no longer give the PLAN, the scores from the last administration are serving as the accountability scores for the 10th graders for the school year. These scores serve as a baseline for our 10th graders.

5 ACT Aspire - READING Ok. That was the 10th grade data from Let’s look our data from grades The ACT Aspire reports breaks student data down into three categories. READY, CLOSE and IN NEED OF SUPPORT. The green column represents READY The yellow column represents CLOSE The red column represents those student that were in the IN NEED OF SUPPORT category. Also if you would… note the Blue column. This shows you the change in the READY category from the school year and the school year. As you can see on average, there was a 2% decrease in ACT Aspire READING. Across the district, 54 % of the students scored in the IN NEED OF SUPPORT category and 27% of the students across the district scored in the CLOSE category. Approx. 80 % of our students are not meeting the ACT College and Career Readiness Benchmark in Reading.

Now it is your turn. Take 30 seconds to review this chart for mathematics. Then I need some Elementary, Middle and K8 Principals at least three to tell me about what they are seeing across the district.

7 Some people like numbers and some like visual graphics.
The next few slides give a graphical representation the same data in the previous chart from each grade level. In these slides you see Reading and Math side by side per each grade level. In comparison here, we can see that even though there was a slight decline in 2015, 3rd graders performed better in mathematics than in reading.

8 The 4th graders from Spring 2015 performed as well as the 4th graders from 2014 in reading and math nationally. There was only a slight decline when looking at the two groups from a district level.

9 As a whole, 5th graders performed better in mathematics.

10 At the district level, there was a slight decrease in reading; however, the was a slight increase in mathematics at the 6th grade level.

11 There was a slight decrease in the performance of the 7th graders from Spring 2015 when compared to the 7th graders from 2014 in reading and math.

12 In 8th grade we saw the biggest dip in student performance
In 8th grade we saw the biggest dip in student performance. We see this when looking at the 8th grade mathematics scores. School reports have been provided for Board members for review of State Assessment data at the school level.

That was data from grade We dare not leave out our High Schools. The ACT Plus Writing State Assessment Report reflects the scores from the 11th graders that take the ACT Plus Writing in the Spring of the year as part of the State Assessments.

14 ACT PLUS Writing % meeting READING benchmarks
The next few slides have both charts and graphs reflecting data. This shows the student performance in reading for the ACT Aspire State Assessment. This shows the % of students meeting benchmarks. Looking holistically, we see that the District increased by 1% in students meeting the reading Benchmarks. Any increase on the ACT should be applauded but we have a long way to go. Some schools saw an increase and some saw a decrease. The school with the biggest increase was Jackson Online. The school with the best performance was Ramsay. ALL students took this test not just the students that wanted to go to college. We have to be cognizant of that.

15 ACT PLUS Writing % meeting MATHEMATICS benchmarks
The district stayed consistent in mathematics.

16 ACT PLUS Writing % meeting ENGLISH benchmarks
As a district there was a slight decrease in English. This was also noted across the entire state.

17 ACT PLUS Writing % meeting SCIENCE benchmarks
Even thought the state showed a decrease in science as well. We did have a school increase in science performance. That was Wenonah.

College and Career Readiness Indicator for Accountability (PLAN 2020) Grade 3-8 and 10 Accountability (ESEA) All of this data is what is used by the State and the Federal Government as they measure the performance of the schools and the district. The Report for the ESEA (Federal Government) side is the AMO report. AMO is Annual Measurable Objective. An Annual Measurable Objective (AMO) Report will be developed for each school, district, and the state. The results of the school or district AMO Report will be the trigger for recognition and support for schools and districts. The AMO report will indicate if a school, district, and the state met or not met the target or goal for each indicator. The report used for the Plan 2020 (Alabama Legislature) side is the A-F report cards that will be created for each school and district. Alabama currently has an A-F Law (ACT ). The ALSDE is currently working with the Accountability Taskforce on the development of the A-F grading system. A-F Law was removed from Alabama’s ESEA Waiver Renewal Request. Each school and school district will receive an A-F Report Card annually. These reports will are not projected to be put out until December 2016. AMO Report A – F Report Card

19 Prepared Graduate Defined
Possesses the knowledge and skills needed to enroll and succeed in credit-bearing, first-year courses at a two- or four-year college, trade school, technical school, without the need for remediation. Possesses the ability to apply core academic skills to real-world situations through collaboration with peers in problem solving, precision, and punctuality in delivery of a product, and has a desire to be a life-long learner. Prepared Graduate Defined Every time we present data, the State Superintendent has also asked that we include this information. This serves as a reminder of why we do what we do. The whole point of these assessments and holding schools and district accountable is that we must prepare our students to graduate. The State’s Definition of a Prepared Graduate is someone that is not only able to enter college without the need for remediation but also able to apply academic skills in real world situations to produce a product. In addition this person has a desire to be a life long learner. This is what we are striving toward.

20 THANK YOU! Dr. Kecia Topping Chapman South Eastlake Technical Center

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