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The Proficiency Testing Matrix

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1 The Proficiency Testing Matrix
A2LA Annual Conclave - Plenary Session March 12, 2005, Columbia, MD By Trace McInturff, A2LA Operations Manager Accreditation at A2LA

2 Proficiency Testing Requirements
Just a reminder - If you still don’t like it: Call Warren Merkel American Association for Laboratory Accreditation Accreditation at A2LA

3 Proficiency Testing Requirements
2 activities/yr every year rotated to cover entire scope in 4 years Documented PT plan Results to be submitted quarterly American Association for Laboratory Accreditation Accreditation at A2LA

4 PT Matrix Similar concept of the 17025 Test Method Matrix
Means for assessor(s) to provide consistent reporting of all PT results reviewed during assessment Should include all past scheduled PT activities that have not been reviewed by the applicable LSO American Association for Laboratory Accreditation Accreditation at A2LA

5 PT Matrix - Sub discipline
List as outlined in the A2LA PT Requirements document ex. Tensile - metal, Tensile - Plastic, Hardness, Corrosion If not listed in Requirements, list what you reviewed - ex. ESD, Radiated Emissions (< 1GHz) American Association for Laboratory Accreditation Accreditation at A2LA

6 PT Matrix - Program List program the lab participated in
ex. ASTM, CTS, Quamatec, Interlaboratory Comparison, Round Robin, etc. American Association for Laboratory Accreditation Accreditation at A2LA

7 PT Matrix - Date Tested Record when actual participation occurred - NOT report date. American Association for Laboratory Accreditation Accreditation at A2LA

8 PT Matrix - Outlier & Details
If lab received an outlier, detail the extent of the outlier ex. Inconsistent data, Data for sample 123 are high, etc. Comments - any other pertinent information ex. CAR implemented, Results Pending, etc. American Association for Laboratory Accreditation Accreditation at A2LA

9 PT Matrix - OK If all elements of the PT results are acceptable and/or non-conformance resolved, please date the ‘OK’ box Otherwise - Lab Services will request corrective action/further info American Association for Laboratory Accreditation Accreditation at A2LA

10 PT Matrix - Other Note placed on Matrix:
NOTE: Lab has completed two PT activities in the past year and has a plan to complete all required PT activities during the four year window. American Association for Laboratory Accreditation Accreditation at A2LA

11 Contact Information Trace McInturff A2LA 5301 Buckeystown Pike Suite 350 Frederick, MD, USA Direct line: Main: Fax: American Association for Laboratory Accreditation Accreditation at A2LA

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