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English Week 12.

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1 English Week 12

2 Mock exam next week Paper one only
Reading- to be completed in session 1 Writing – to be completed in session 2 Try your hardest, revise, prove what you can do. From the results, we will revisit your targets for next term.

3 Today Writing to describe (question 5, paper 1) show don’t tell
writing about different experiences with food using the senses Planning your next session

4 Descriptive writing Copy the following in to your books. I sat down and ate dinner. It was not nice. Lois looked at me when I ate it. Lois was my wife and she looked old. She was young when I married her. What is happening here? How does Peter feel about Lois? How does Lois feel?

5 Rewrite the extract, but don’t alter what happens- make it more descriptive and engaging
Things to think about: Describe the meal, why was it not good? Why was Lois looking at you? How did she look old? What was she like when you married her? For each one of the sentences- expand it, be more descriptive

6 Descriptive writing. Show!
I walked into the kitchen and sat down at the table. I looked with a grimace at the questionable meal Lois had placed in front of me. Of course I never tell her how disgusted I am with her cooking. But somehow I think she knows… Lois had always been full of energy and life, but lately I began to grow more aware of her aging. The bright, exuberant eyes that I had fallen in love with, were now beginning to grow dull and listless with a long fatigue of a weary life...

7 Watch the clip where this comes from.

8 To have an effective piece of writing…
Paint a picture with your words Describe every detail Use lots of adjectives and adverbs Use a variety of vocabulary If Peter Griffin can do it… you certainly can!!!

9 Using the images to help you, write down 10 adjectives about food
Using the images to help you, write down 10 adjectives about food! Positive and negative

10 Show don’t tell… Use the 5 senses to describe you favourite meal Smell
Touch Taste See Hear

11 Expand. Imagine you are eating a meal
Describe what you are eating- you’ve already done this! How do you feel? Who are you with? Describe the people around you/ your surroundings Describe your thoughts and feelings- aim for a paragraph/ half a page Check your spelling, punctuation and grammar!

12 Using the 5 senses, describe the worst meal you have ever had.
Again, aim for a paragraph- half a page Be detailed. Where were you? Who were you with?

13 Check through your work
Check your language. Is it suitable? Check your punctuation. Is it varied? Have you engaged your audience?

14 Look through your books and your targets.
What would you like to work on before next week? Reading analysis? More creative writing? Make a plan- what will you be completing next session? Do you need any resources from me?

15 Reflect What have you covered this session?
What do you still need to work on?

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