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Why did Western Europeans establish the Slave Trade?

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Presentation on theme: "Why did Western Europeans establish the Slave Trade?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Why did Western Europeans establish the Slave Trade?

2 Do Now: Let’s review! What were the core principles of mercantilism?
Bonus! How could Portugal and Spain ensure that they increased their economic power?

3 Spain’s Strategies Spain established major trade restrictions to maximize profits (more export and limited imports) Government established plantations to grow and produce sugar cane Spanish government granted the conquistadors encomiendas- the right to demand forced labor and/or tribute from the Native Americans

4 Rapid Decline in Population!
Refer to the chart! Why was the population in Central Mexico in decline? How would this impact the colonial economy?

5 Smallpox! Smallpox is a highly contagious viral disease, with high fever and pustules (usually leaving permanent scars) It was effectively eradicated through vaccination by 1979.

6 The Great Dying 60–80 million people without immunities
In some places, 90 percent of the population died. Central Mexico went from a population of 10 to 20 million to 1 million in 150 years.

7 Bartolome de las Casas Priest that came to the Americas and condemned the evils of the encomienda system Supported the native population in the Spanish colonies

8 Discuss! How does Las Casas justify his argument against the enslavement of the native population? Discuss in your groups!

9 Beginnings of the Slave Trade
Spain passed the New Laws of the Indies in forbidding the enslavement of Native Americans (difficult to enforce and Natives became peons) Las Casas suggested that Africans could be used to fill the labor shortage The Spanish began bringing Africans as slave laborers to the Americas by the 1530s

10 The Western Europeans established what became known as the Triangular Trade in the 1500s.

11 Refer to the map! How were slaves integrated into this trading system?

12 The Passage First leg, merchant ships brought goods to Africa to be traded for slaves Second leg (Middle Passage) the slaves were transported to the West Indies and exchanged for sugar, molasses, and other products Final leg, resources were shipped to Europe and European colonies the Americas

13 The Middle Passage

14 The Middle Passage •Crews attempted to keep as many slaves alive as possible to maximize profits, but treatment was extremely cruel –Some slaves refused to eat and crew members used tools to pry open their mouths and force-feed them –Sick slaves were cast overboard to prevent infection from spreading •During the early days of the slave trade, mortality rates were as high as 50% •As the volume of trade increased and conditions improved (bigger ships, more water, better nourishment and facilities), mortality eventually declined to about 5%

15 Discuss! How could the slave trade have had devastating impacts to certain regions in Africa? Discuss in your groups!


17 Volume •Late 15th and 16th Century… 2,000 Africans exported each year
•17th Century… 20,000 per year •18th Century… 55,000 per year –1780s… 88,000 per year

18 Alfonso I Ruler of the Congo who spoke out against slave trade
Educated by Portuguese missionaries and became king in 1505 Called on the Portuguese to help him develop a modern Christian state Became alarmed by the amount of slaves that were being purchased by Europeans and even missionaries!

19 Discuss! How did the slave trade have dangerous implications to the economic and social welfare of Africa? Discuss in your groups!

20 Social Hierarchy Peninsulares: people born in Spain
Creoles: American-born Spanish settlers Mestizos: people of Native American and European descent Mulattoes: people of African and European descent Native American Indians African Slaves

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