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Year One Maths Trip to Clockhouse Nursery

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1 Year One Maths Trip to Clockhouse Nursery
In maths, we have been learning about measure. We need to be able to measure and compare different lengths and heights using vocabulary such as taller and shorter. What better way to learn how to do this than through real life experience! In science, we have been learning about different common plants. We decided to measure and compare the plants we have been learning about!

2 What we did! We had to search the garden centre for the plants on our checklist. We used our own metre measuring tape to measure each plant and decide if it was taller than a metre or shorter than a metre! We recorded our work on clipboards in pairs. We had to show the value of teamwork and make sure we shared the measuring and recording. Pupil voice ‘Hold it straight… otherwise it won’t be fair!’ Pupil voice ‘It’s taller than a metre! We could get two metre sticks to measure it!’

3 I like the lavender… it smells lovely!
We chose our own plants to bring back to school and look after. Finally we went to the till and paid for our plants with real money! Getting change and taking home our plants!

4 . Following the maths trip, we learnt how to measure with rulers to the nearest cm. We went on a hunt for wild plants and measured and recorded their height in Capel Manor.

5 Here is some of our recorded work…

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