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UNIT I – Wireless channels

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1 UNIT I – Wireless channels

2 TOPICS Path loss models: Free Space and Two-Ray models
Link Budget design Parameters of mobile multipath channels Time dispersion parameters Coherence bandwidth Doppler spread & Coherence time Small Scale fading Fading effects due to multipath time delay spread Fading effects due to doppler spread

3 Introduction Wireless communication – broadcasting and reception of signals by an appropriate receiver through wireless medium (air)

4 Characteristics of wireless channels
Path loss Fading Interference Doppler shift

5 Path Loss Ratio of power of the transmitted signal to the power of same signal received by reciever. Dependent on radio frequency used and nature of terrain Path loss models – Free space & Two ray Free space – no attenuation of signals, only direct path Two ray – direct path & Reflected path

6 Fading Fluctuations in signal strength when received at the receiver.
Types – (1) Fast/small scale fading (2) slow/large scale fading. Fast fading – rapid fluctuations in amplitude, phase or multipath delays. Slow fading – objects partially absorb the transmissions Counter measure – Diversity & Adaptive modulation

7 Interference Types : (1) ACI (2) CCI (3) ISI Interference
Counter measure ACI Guard band CCI Usage of directional antennas, dynamic channel allocation ISI Adaptive equalization

8 Doppler shift Change in frequency when transmitter and receiver are mobile in nature. Higher frequency – when both move towards Lower frequency – when both move away

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