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Brighton Freshers Here is a short presentaion of my findings when exploring Brighton during first week of freshers.

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Presentation on theme: "Brighton Freshers Here is a short presentaion of my findings when exploring Brighton during first week of freshers."— Presentation transcript:

1 Brighton Freshers Here is a short presentaion of my findings when exploring Brighton during first week of freshers.

2 First few days, exploring the town.
Here are a few images of my first few days around Brighton, the first image is of me settling in into Phoenix Halls of residence, and the others are of Brighton beach and pier on a beautiful sunny day.

3 Brighton town: On some of the days off, My flat mates and I went exploring the art of the town, the nature, architecture and the lanes. The Pavillion was definitely a favourite of mine, being a massive tourist attraction to visitors of brighton, showing its diverse culture.

4 1st days of student life: First home made curry and enrolment day- officially a student at the University of Brighton. More photos of the lanes, and the gardens of Brighton that we visited during freshers.

5 AAA- Freshers events

6 Home Bound Saturday evening I went back home to Essex to visit my family as it was my Nans 80th Birthday and my mum threw her a surprise party.

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