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  STAFF DEVELOPMENT   Annual Teaching, Learning and Assessment Conference Digital Technologies October 2017.

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Presentation on theme: "  STAFF DEVELOPMENT   Annual Teaching, Learning and Assessment Conference Digital Technologies October 2017."— Presentation transcript:

1   STAFF DEVELOPMENT   Annual Teaching, Learning and Assessment Conference Digital Technologies October 2017

2 Session Outcomes Discuss on three Office 365 tools in relation to the assessment and feedback cycle Contribute to a collaborative Word document. Compare the advantages and disadvantages of technologies for teaching, learning & assessment Reflect on the use of digital technologies through a message on Yammer

3 Why are digital skills so important?
Digital Skills Strategy

4 Source: JISC Student Digital Tracker:
‘Learners most commonly turn to their tutors as the main source of learning digital skills’ ‘HE learners most likely to rely on VLE: 80% HE vs 61% FE’ ‘82% of students agree digital skills will be important in their chosen career, yet only 50% agree that their course prepares them well for the workplace’ JISC digital student tracker

5 Whole College Improvement Needed
As a College we need to improve how we: stretch and challenge students so they reach and/or exceed their potential/minimum expected grade (MEG) differentiate to meet the needs of all students. During this session consider how you could apply your new learning to stretch and challenge and how these new digital skills could help you meet all your students needs.

6 The Assessment & Feedback Cycle
Specifying Setting Supporting Submitting Marking & production of feedback Recording grades Returning work and feedback Reflecting The Assessment & Feedback Cycle This is the assessment and feedback life cycle (adapted from an original by Manchester Metropolitan University) . Introduce the stages (CATHY) IF WE GET A LOAD OF NEWBIES/TECH-NOVICES: WHAT IS YOUR CURRENT PRACTICE? WHAT TECH DO YOU USE AT EACH STAGE OF THIS CYCLE? For more detail, see:

7 The Assessment & Feedback Cycle
Assignment setting Understanding the question Learning knowledge & developing skills Submitting Marking & production of feedback Recording grades Returning work and feedback Reflecting The Assessment & Feedback Cycle IF WE GET A LOAD OF NEWBIES/TECH-NOVICES: WHAT IS YOUR CURRENT PRACTICE? WHAT TECH DO YOU USE AT EACH STAGE OF THIS CYCLE?

8 Understand the question
Specifying Understand the question Learning knowledge, developing skills Submitting Marking & production of feedback Recording grades Returning work and feedback Reflecting This is the assessment and feedback life cycle (adapted from an original by Manchester Metropolitan University) . Introduce the stages (CATHY) IF WE GET A LOAD OF NEWBIES/TECH-NOVICES: WHAT IS YOUR CURRENT PRACTICE? WHAT TECH DO YOU USE AT EACH STAGE OF THIS CYCLE?

9 Look at the different stages of the cycle
Task Look at the different stages of the cycle Discuss what technologies you already use or could use for this stage of the cycle. Consider how these technologies would help develop your students’ digital literacy skills. Consider the advantages and disadvantages of each option. Log into Yammer. Join the KC Teacher Network. Reply to my post. Feedback: person A stays, person B mingles to explore other options Then switch roles.

10 2 things you want to find out more about 1 question you’d like to ask
3, 2, 1 3 things you’ll try 2 things you want to find out more about 1 question you’d like to ask Talk with a pal, share & field any questions

11 Practitioner Led Action Research (PLAR)
Build and extend on what you’ve learnt today through practitioner led action research. PLAR will help you to practice, improve and perfect your digital skills through the academic year, with support from an ATLC or ILT team. If you take part you will be meeting a range of Professional Standards For e.g. No.1 Reflect on what works best in your teaching and learning to meet the diverse needs of learners and No.2 Evaluate and challenge your practice, values and beliefs. Sign up today! We think you have the best understanding of what works well in your classroom and what you might need to change. Practitioner-led action research projects will help in improving practice and fulfill a minimum of 30-hours CPD. Staff will be supported by an ATLC or ILT through the year. Ask staff to complete the PLAR form provided. Hand in with your attendance sheet. Philippa or an ATLC will contact staff to let them know what will happen next

12 What resources can you use?
Blended Learning Consortium Resources learning resource showcase Filming lessons for CPD KCTV Learning Resource Centres (LRCs) Microsoft Office Specialist (MOS) training & exams Microsoft Showcase Classroom (coming soon) Office365 suite (including Teacher Dashboard) OneFile Online internet resources (e.g. YouTube ; Kahoot ; Dojo ) Promethean ActivInspire ProMonitor Research & Development Centres (Inspire) Skype for Business VLE & SOLA resources

13 Further Information If you require further support and guidance you can: Refer to the College ATLC VLE: ‘Support and guidance for Teaching, Learning and Assessment’. Visit a Research & Development Centre: Huddersfield - A (ext. 7751) Dewsbury - A308 (ext. 2324) Contact an ATLC or Head of Teacher Development Philippa Firth ( )

14 ATLC Support Areas ATLC(s) Construction
Construction Engineering & Process Manufacturing Health & Social Care; Childcare Digital Industries Sport & Public Services Hospitality and Catering Melissa Sykes Nick Taylor Shahid Akudi Foundation Learning ESOL & Community Learning English and Maths Creative Industries Julia Farrar Grace Clifford Clare Jordan Access, Teacher Education Business & Professional, Travel & Tourism Animal Care & Science Hairdressing & Beauty Therapy Graham Pitchforth Cathy Clarkson

15 Huddersfield Centre – 7751 Dewsbury Centre - 2324
ATLCs - What we do… ATLC Support and Guidance for TLA VLE page – a variety of resources relating to teaching and learning. The self-enrolment key is ‘teaching’ KC Teacher Network A private network for teachers across college. How2teach – evidence based strategies Shadow/peer observe – can be arranged within teams or to link teams Working with link teams to support staff We also carry out project work; attend external & internal events to bring new innovative ideas into the college.

16 Research & Development Centres
The RDCs in HC & DC are open for use by staff at all times. They are staffed by the ATLC team. The opening times for the centres change weekly. See daily comms or the RDC calendar for up to date availability of ATLCs. Huddersfield Centre – Dewsbury Centre

17 How2teach techniques Anonymous Assessment Learners on Tour

18 ILT Support Curriculum area ILT Reps: Please contact Chris, Diane and Les through or IT Service Desk If you have a technical issue please use the IT Self Service Portal Or in emergency ring extension 7016 Chris Hutton Diane Jessop Les Wyatt Music Tech Digital Industries Animal Care Science ESOL Art & Design Media Child Care Hospitality Sport & Public Services Construction Health and Social Travel & Tourism Engineering Motor Vehicle Process Manufacturing Business Foundation

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