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The Parallels Between Animal Farm and the Russian Revolution

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2 The Parallels Between Animal Farm and the Russian Revolution
Welcome to the allegory…

3 Marx, Lenin, & Old Major Old Major represents both Marx and Lenin. Animalism = Marxism/Communism. Name changes from Russia to Soviet Union Name changes from Manor Farm to Animal Farm Lenin’s body on display Old Major’s ___________ on display

4 Snowball & Trotsky Both talented speakers
Wanted Animalism or Communism to succeed Animal Committees vs. International Committees Trotsky exiled to Mexico, eventually killed Snowball chased off the farm and eventually…?

5 Napoleon & Stalin Napoleon and Stalin were brutal leaders.
Killed or exiled those who disagreed Stalin changed principals of Communism. Napoleon changed the Seven Commandments. How?

6 The Dogs & The KGB , Napoleon took the nine puppies and trained them to be vicious. They were loyal to him and did whatever he asked. Stalin created a secret police group called the KGB. They killed and brutalized the opponents of Stalin and all who spoke out against the government.

7 Boxer & the Russian Workers
Boxer – hard work, oppression, & blind obedience Stalin made the people work twice as hard to catch up with the rest of the world Name other workers on the farm …

8 Moses & Russian Church The name Moses is connected to religion.
Moses told about Sugar Candy Mountain (Animal Heaven). In Marxism, religion is not allowed.

9 Mollie & The Upper Class
The Russian upper class hated Communism because it forced them to join the work force. Many fled to neighboring countries. Mollie is self-centered and avoided work. She did not want her lifestyle changed so she fled to another farm.

10 Squealer & Pravda (Propaganda)
Squealer turns black into white. Squealer repeatedly lies to the animals. Stalin’s propaganda posters and newspaper Pravda, convinced the Russian people that what the Soviet dictators were doing was for their benefit.

11 Mr. Jones & Tsar Nicholas II
Jones neglected the animals by overworking them, and not feeding them regularly. Citizens in Russian in 1917 had to wait in breadlines. People were starving. Both were “removed from power” by their own people.

12 Mr. Pilkington – Foxwood
Winston Churchill - England

13 Mr. Frederick – Pinchfield Adolf Hitler - Germany

14 The Rebellion = The Russian Revolution

15 The Battle of Cowshed = The Russian Civil War

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