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Expository Writing A Guide to Writing a Cohesive Essay.

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Presentation on theme: "Expository Writing A Guide to Writing a Cohesive Essay."— Presentation transcript:

1 Expository Writing A Guide to Writing a Cohesive Essay.

2 Two Kinds of Writing

3 Expository Writing-Traffic Light
GREEN -Green on a traffic light means go. Topic sentences are colored green because they show what the writer is going to explain or prove. YELLOW -Yellow on a traffic light means slow down. The sentences that support the topic are colored yellow to remind writers to slow down and give the reader a reason, detail, or fact that proves or explains the topic. Use a transition.

4 Expository Writing-Traffic Light
Transitions words or phrases are a good way to start the key/star ideas. Transitions are like glue; they keep all the pieces together. RED -Red on a traffic light means stop. Sentences used to elaborate and add examples or explanations are colored red to remind the writer to stop, explain, and add evidence.

5 Expository Writing-Traffic Light
GREEN -Green for the conclusion reminds students to go back to the topic sentence and make a strong, meaningful, connection with it-not just copy it. -think of the conclusion as a green ribbon that ties all of the ideas together and gives the reader something to think about.

6 Five Elements of Expository Writing
Organization is the key Use the colors of the traffic light and informal outlines to plan a paragraph, essay, or report.

7 Five Elements of Expository Writing, cont.
2) Create a topic sentence. Topic sentences are the heart of the paragraph. -The color green reminds you in the topic sentence, writers should tell readers what they are going to prove or explain.

8 Five Elements of Expository Writing, cont.
3) Transitions -Transitions are the glue for each paragraph in the body of the sentence. -Topic sentences are like glue; they keep all of the pieces of the essay together. -The topic sentence is supported by reasons, details, or facts that prove or explain the topic.

9 Five Elements of Expository Writing, cont.
4) Explain, Examples are the meat of the paragraph. -The meat of the paragraph contains An explanation and example. Red from the traffic light reminds students to stop and explain.

10 Five Elements of Expository Writing, cont.
5) Conclusions tie it all together . -The green bow reminds you to tie all of your ideas together and give the reader something to think about in your conclusion. -Remind the reader of your topic.

11 Five Elements of Expository Writing, cont.
Activity 1: Within your group color-code the paragraph located at the bottom of your worksheet.

12 The Hook The introductory paragraph combines the hook with the topic sentence (thesis) to form the essay lead.

13 The Hook: What’s the Point?
The hook paragraph makes the reader want to learn more. We definitely want to impress the blue-haired old ladies who grade our writing assessments!

14 The Hook To catch the reader, use a hook in the introductory paragraph. Tell a brief, related story (anecdote/narrative hook). Use a quote. Tell the who, what, where, when, why (news). Give a brief history of the issue (background). Tell what you’ll say about the issue & take a stand (announcement).

15 The Hook: Anecdote Tell a brief story that captures the essence of the issue/situation. Note: the story must be brief and should not extend past the first paragraph. Otherwise, your whole essay slips into being a narrative!

16 The Hook: Anecdote A small-town housewife wants to buy a pair of shoes for her child. She goes out to her favorite local shoe store, only to discover they’ve closed due to the popularity of discount giant Wal-Mart. Huge stores like Wal-Mart are ruining the chances of small business to succeed.

17 The Hook: Anecdote Bad Barbecue
When I went to a local barbecue restaurant last week, I was shocked to discover their health inspection rating was below 70%! At my school, that is a failing score, yet this restaurant is still open and serving food to the local citizens! Providing a safe food supply is one of the most sacred agreements between marketer and consumer. Why isn’t anyone doing anything to stop this dangerous practice?

18 Scuba Steve’s Tip for Essay Success
Reread the writing prompt (3 times!) and try to think of a story you can tell to get the reader involved in your composition. Embellish with relevant details and vivid vocabulary.

19 The Hook: Quotation Use someone else’s relevant words to address/exemplify the issue. Note: the quote must be related to your topic. It is not enough to create a fake conversation. This is called dialogue and does not qualify as a quote.

20 The Hook: Quotation John Kennedy once said, “Ask not what your country can do for you. Ask what you can do for your country.” Today, though, it seems that many want to know how much the government will give them. It is time for our generation to make a change and stand on our own feet, without intervention from “Uncle Sam.”

21 The Hook: Quotation Just Grow Up!
I recently saw a bumper sticker that said, “It’s never too late to have a happy childhood.” What kind of childish idea is this? Adults: we kids need you to grow up and act like the leaders you are supposed to be. If you spend your adult life trying to recapture your childhood, when are we to have the chance to be children? Someone has to be responsible.

22 Don’t do this! This is dialogue, not a quote!
The Hook: Quotation Don’t do this! This is dialogue, not a quote! “Mom, what’s for dinner?” “Not now! I’m about to get a high score on Guitar Hero!” “You’re always playing games, Mom!” “Hey! I had too many responsibilities when I was a kid. Now’s my time to have fun.” This shouldn’t happen. Adults have to be responsible so that we can have a childhood.

23 Scuba Steve’s Tip for Essay Success
If you have time and are able to use resources, a great source for famous quotes is Bartlett’s Familiar Quotations. If you are in a testing situation, stick with quotes you know from memory.

24 The Hook: News Give the reader the who, what, where, when, why of the issue (and sometimes the how). Note: you do not have to include ALL of these EVERY time. Sometimes, you won’t need one or two of the W’s to get your point across.

25 The Hook: News Heart disease is the number one killer in the United States and many want to know why. Some scientists blame fast food restaurants for the recent rise in the number of unhealthy Americans. In 2008, a few towns even made fast food illegal in their city limits! However, it may not be possible to identify just one culprit in this battle.

26 Scuba Steve’s Tip for Essay Success
You may have noticed that some of these hook techniques blend with one another at times. This is okay. Remember: these are just some tricks you can use to avoid sounding like every other writer out there. We’re working on developing your own style and voice. 

27 The Hook: Background Give the reader a brief history of the issue.
Note: be careful that your history does not verge into becoming an anecdote. This isn’t supposed to be a story. Stick to straight facts.

28 The Hook: Background During World War II, governments on both sides of the conflict used special persuasive posters called propaganda to spread their beliefs to their citizens. The same persuasive techniques that were used then can be used to convince people today. In fact, the persuasive tactics we use were first developed by ancient Greeks like Socrates, Aristotle, and Plato!

29 Scuba Steve’s Tip for Essay Success
When using background, try to include only the information that you think your reader may not already know. For instance, there is no need to explain the concept of fast food, but you may need to explain that Zaxby’s is a fast food restaurant.

30 The Hook: Announcement
Tell the reader about the issue and take a stand. Note: even though you are telling the reader about the issue, do not use the words, “I am going to tell you about…” or anything like that.

31 The Hook: Announcement
People are going to make bad choices sometimes; that’s just part of being human. As long as we take responsibility for our actions and make amends, there’s usually no problem. Such behavior builds strength of character, in fact. There’s an increasing trend, though, in which parents are allowing children to blame everyone but themselves for their mistakes. If we are going to continue as the strongest nation in the world, we have to find a way to stop this nonsense!

32 Scuba Steve’s Tip for Essay Success
The announcement technique works especially well with persuasive essays, but it can also be used effectively with expository topics, too.

33 The Hook Use a hook to lure the reader into the composition.
Let’s impress those blue-haired old ladies!


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