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Key Action 2 concerns strategic partnerships for schools.

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1 Key Action 2 concerns strategic partnerships for schools.
Erasmus + KA2 Erasmus+ is the EU funding programme for education, training, youth and sport. It will run for 7 years from It has replaced the old Comenius programmes. Key Action 2 concerns strategic partnerships for schools.

2 Our Project The title of our project is Art
Key priorities: Arts & creativity ICT New teaching methodologies European dimension Foreign language learning Transnational collaboration (teachers & pupils) Innovative practices

3 Our Partners There will be 9 partners in the project:
Adel Primary School UK Dimotiko Scholeio Frenarou Cyprus Didáxis – Riba de Ave Portugal Szkola Podstawowa in Bielsk Podlaski ,Poland Unipiha Algkool Estonia Instituto Comprensivo Statale Mira 2 Italy Tetarto Demotiko Scoleio Glyfadas Greece Vilniaus Pranciskaus Skorinos Gimnazija Lithuania Zaklanda skola Severna 21 Moldava na Bodvou Slovakia

4 Dimotiko Scholeio Frenarou Cyprus

5 Didáxis - Riba de Ave - Portugal

6 Szkoła Podstawowa in Bielsk Podlaski, Poland

7 Unipiha Algkool Estonia

8 Instituto Comprensivo Statale Mira 2 Italy

9 Tetarto Demotiko Scoleio Glyfadas Greece

10 Vilniaus Pranciskaus Skorinos Gimnazija Lithuania

11 Zaklanda skola Severna 21 Moldava na Bodvou Slovakia

12 In our school Co –ordinator: Mrs Hara Haralambous
Erasmus+ group to plan and disseminate activities in our school (teaching and non-teaching staff) Children from International Schools Council International governor: Mrs Papanastasiou Meetings of the committee will be held half termly.

13 Meetings There will be 3 transnational meetings held every year.
1 planning and evaluation meeting for co-ordinators and other staff 1 staff training workshop 1 pupil transnational meeting to include arts workshops If you wish to travel to a meeting please complete the application form stating your motivation and what you could offer to the project in school.

14 In our school How does the project fit into and add to the ethos of our school? Global learning Investors in pupils Artsmark award SDP Foreign language learning Raising standards Greek -Cypriot values

15 Programme & training The first meeting will take place in Lithuania in Oct / Nov 2015 After each meeting staff to feedback to whole staff and children and explain next activities All staff and children to be involved in the project Staff are invited to attend the GSP workshops Etwinning & Skype training will be given. Please register on the site Erasmus notice board and information point to be set up

16 Thank you for watching! Stay in touch
Hara Haralambous September 2015

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