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Welcome to Parent Information Night

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1 Welcome to Parent Information Night
Grade 5 The Fifth Grade Team (left to right) Miss Sheldon, Mrs. Gould, Miss Pilch, Miss DuVal, Mrs. Coe, Mrs. Loomis, Mrs. Bishop, Mrs. Teller

2 Cara Pilch I have taught fifth grade at G.E.S. since 2005
I’ve been in the teaching profession since 1992. You can contact me by phone (518) Ext or Please check the website for updates


4 What will your child learn in fifth grade?
Math Advanced addition, subtraction, multiplication, & division Fractions Decimals Geometry Algebra Problem solving NYS Next Generation Math Learning Standards

5 Science Matter and It’s Interactions Motion and Stability: Forces and Interactions Energy From Molecules to Organisms: Structures and Processes Ecosystems: Interactions, Energy, and Dynamics Earth’s Place in the Universe Earth’s Systems NYS P-12 Science Learning Standards

6 Social Studies Map Skills
History, Culture, Economics and Geography of the Western Hemisphere NYS K-12 Social Studies Framework

7 ELA Narrative elements Figurative language The Writing Process Editing
Author’s craft Different forms of writing Summarizing Inferential thinking NYS Next Generation ELA Learning Standards

8 When are the state tests?
ELA April 11-13, 2018 Day 1 – Multiple Choice ( MC) Day 2 – Multiple Choice, Short Response, and Extended Response (2017 – 7 Multiple Choice, 2 Short Response, and 1 Extended Response) Day 3 – Short Response and Extended Response ( S.R. and 1 E.R.) Math May 1-3, 2018 Day 1 – Multiple Choice (2017 – 22 MC) Day 2 – Multiple Choice (2017 – 23 MC) Day 3 – Problem Solving with Extended Response (2017 – 6 Short Response and 4 Extended Response) This year the state tests will be 2 days instead of 3. As we get closer to the dates we will know which two dates they will be.

9 Homework and Assignments
Homework will be given often. Work not completed on time will be done during homework club (if agreed to by parent) or recess, and may be assigned over a weekend. When your child misses assignments due to absence from the classroom, the expectation is that it will be completed at home that evening and turned in the next school day.

10 We will move to trimester grading instead of quarters.
Grading Policy We are revising our report cards this year to be “Standards Based” report cards. All standards on the report card will receive a score of 1-4, or NA. We will no longer be using percentages. We will move to trimester grading instead of quarters.


12 Mr. Boyd 5th Grade Band policies
All Instruments One concert this year: Tuesday, May p.m. in the H.S. auditorium Rehearsals start after Christmas break and lessons have started already. Students join the 5th grade band when they have completed the minimum requirement from their book Lessons are once a week, and lesson times will rotate throughout the school day so students do not miss the same class in consecutive weeks. The instrument will be selected by Mr. Boyd. It may not be their first choice but it will be one of the three choices they indicated on the sign up form. Requirements to participate in the concert Wind Instruments Students will need to be on or already completed exercise 14 in their book Percussionists - Students will need to be on or already completed exercise 25 in their book

13 5th Grade Computer Technology
Netiquette/Digital Etiquette Using Online Learning Platforms for Online Discussion (Schoology) Information Privacy Cyber-bullying Strategic Internet Searching Evaluating Online Resources Plagiarism and Respecting the Work of Others Ad Awareness (Admongo) Creating Advanced Slideshows (PowerPoint)

14 Other Items and Reminders
Please don’t forgot to sign up for “Tools for Schools” with your Price Chopper advantage card number. Please remember to sign up for Parent Conferences before you leave.

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