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Diabatic influence on mesoscale structures in extratropical storms

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1 Diabatic influence on mesoscale structures in extratropical storms
DIAMET Impact Plan Ian Renfrew

2 Educational Filming Heather Reid (consultant) and Jeremy Henderson (Xube Ltd, Producer) Filming took place at Met Office and Exeter airport on 6 December 2011. ~10 people interviewed during the day Two short films being produced: How are forecasts produced? Improving forecasts of storms at the scale of counties (i.e. Diamet) ‘First cuts’ of films are complete, but awaiting voice-overs etc. Any additional ideas for distribution?

3 Field campaign Media The 8 December 2011 Freidhelm storm provided an opportunity for media engagement A quick press release was drawn up by Diamet and Met Office on the day Mission scientists interviewed by press, local and national radio, local tv? Lots of publicity for FAAM and Diamet.

4 Planned press release A planned press release was drawn up the following week: “Violent storms provide testing conditions for research scientists” NERC not interested, but released by UEA and ??? Local radio interviews, some interest in participating in spring/summer campaign.

5 Blog Diamet Blog (

6 Other activities Met Office website article on Diamet
Bob Plant – outreach activity at local school with some simple demos (convection) and “snow risk” forecasting. BINARY – Ian Renfrew & Steve Dorling (UEA) helping a playwright with material for a play for High Tide Theatre Festival (Suffolk) in May 2012.

7 Impact continues downstream through NCAS and NCEO core programmes
Pathways to Impact Specific project deliverables Exchange of expertise Forecast model advances Met Office Weather services EUMETCAL Forecaster training Educational resources (web based) Field campaign blog Video conference Leaflets Heather Reid and R Met. Soc Schools and public outreach Impact continues downstream through NCAS and NCEO core programmes

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