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Managing Projects to Achieve Desired Results

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1 Managing Projects to Achieve Desired Results
William N. Kelly, Professor

2 Learning Objectives After participating in this learning session, you should be able to: Explain the term “project management” and its importance. Outline the process of developing a project, its scope, and plan. List three primary responsibilities of the project leader. Explain the proper way for a project leader to assign responsibility, assure project team members are accountable, and keeping the project on-time and on budget. With your group, develop a project, project plan, time-table, and a communication and reporting mechanism for the project.

3 Assigned Readings Required - Chapter 8 of your text.
Recommended - Iwan L. – Step-by-step Beginner’s Guide to Project Management. guide-to-project-management.php. Note: 20% of quiz questions come from this material, and probably will not be discussed in class. “Whoever has ears, let him hear.”

4 Schedule Today Wednesday 10:00 – 10:30 AM - Learning session
10:30 – 10:50 AM - Work in your group in-class to develop a Project Charter for a pharmacy project of your choice. 10:50 – 11:00 - Break 11:00 – 11:50 AM – Continue working on your charter. If you have this done, you may start on developing the plan (as specified below). Wednesday 9:30 – 10:20 – Develop a plan for your project, based on your charter, and to me as one document (11 pt. font., times new roman, pdf) to me (by sundown at Clearwater Beach) at: Make sure to have a title and your group number listed. File name should be: Group #. Project.pdf.

5 What is Project Management?
A process for: Planning and implementing a complex, temporary, or unique new task or service. It is: A ____________ for organizational change Implies a new or __________ way of doing things A _____ or “proof of concept” for developing new services that benefit patients Must deliver a significant impact to “_____”

6 The Project Charter What is it? What does it accomplish?
A _____________ that defines a project (what it is and the scope). It’s a guide. What does it accomplish? Gets everyone (the project sponsor, leader, and team members) on the same ____ before starting a project Creates _____________ Establishes ___________

7 Project Charter = Your Guidance Document (Should be shared with the Sponsor Before Starting the Project) Project Name: Should be an issue to look into or solve. Probably a question. Group Number: You group number. Project Importance: State the importance of doing this project answer: who cares?) Project Sponsor: This is the person assigning you the project and their title. Project Leader: One of your group members Project Members: The names of the balance of your group. Project Deliverables: What will you give the sponsor when you complete the project? Project Scope: This comes from the sponsor. How big is the project? It boundaries? Resources Available: Also comes from the sponsor: People, budget, space, and equipment Project Deadline: The specific “drop dead” date the project is due (from the sponsor). Constraints: From the sponsor. For example: “no overtime can be used to do this project.” Celebrating Success – How will this be done?

8 The Project Leader/Manager
Characteristics: Leadership or potential leadership Potentially __________ The ability to get things done Good with ________ Primary Responsibilities: Select team members – how? Hold team members __________ – how? Report progress to the _______ and the ______ Routinely (usually monthly) One page only Use color coding (green, yellow, red) for progress – see Table 3.1 (page 47) of your text. Ask for help when needed Complete the project ________ and within ______

9 Brainstorming on What is Needed
This is the heart of the project, and along with accountability, largely determines success or failure. Recommendation – Use Nominal Group Technique (Figure 3.2 of your text).

10 Steps in Developing a Project Plan
Identify and organize teams members. Determine and record the project objectives and desired outcomes. Begin brainstorming and discuss how to achieve the desired outcomes. Identify assumptions. Identify factors that influence or limit the project that are beyond your control. Determine and identify the tools needed. Organize the steps and sub-steps in logical sequence and identify the time needed for each step. Assign each step to at least one team member for completion. Develop a project tracking document (similar to Table 3.1 in your text). State how often the team will meet as a whole to identify progress and issues. State how and how often the project leader will monitor the project for progress and keep project team members accountable – usually a one page, monthly, color-coded report. State how and how often the project leader will communicate project progress to the project sponsor and team members.

11 In-Class Exercise Monday (today):
Deliverable - A Project Charter (based on slide #7 and chapter 8) Project subject – your choice. Some ideas – projects that ________: medication safety evidence-based prescribing timeliness of medication delivery preventative therapy the public recognition of pharmacists transitions in care utilization of health care resources patient satisfaction medication adherence the chance of payment for pharmacist cognitive services Projects need to be: _________, doable, reachable with hard work, and ___________.

12 In-Class Exercise Wednesday (today):
Deliverable = Your Project Charter (slide #7) and Project Plan (slide #10). Format: Times New Roman – 12 pt. font for titles and 11 pt. throughout Single space text Double space between sections Use bold for major headings List title with group number underneath No graphics Check for journalistic quality Spell check DUE – Sundown at Clearwater Beach today! word file to me at: File name = Group # - Project (Group 7 - Project)

13 Project Report Order Project Title (your group number underneath)
Project Timeframe Project Charter The Project Plan – follow slide #10 Project objectives and desired outcomes Assumptions Factors that may propel or limit the project Tools needed The plan – steps and sub-steps The communication plan – To and with team members and to project sponsor Progress report table – Goals, accountability, deadline, status (color coding: green, yellow, or red)

14 Grading Following directions = 10 points
The quality & development of your idea = 20 points Your plan is compelling = 10 points Proper format = 5 points Journalistic quality = 5 points Total = 50 points

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