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Welcome to Mathematics

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1 Welcome to Mathematics
Lowton CE High School

2 Mathematics GCSE 2017 More content at both Foundation and Higher Tiers
Shift in content from Higher to Foundation Move to more problem solving, reasoning & interpreting More examination time New grading structure Ensuring student outcomes are protected in 2017 Re-sit requirements in year 12 Covered in more detail but these are the headlines. The key message is that the standard is being raised. More time, more content.

3 New scheme in place that delivers the new content
Mathematics GCSE 2017 New topics added to GCSE (for both tiers) New topics added to Foundation Tier (from Higher Tier) New topics added to Higher Tier (from A level) A few topics omitted (mostly now part of KS3) New scheme in place that delivers the new content

4 Foundation 1-5

5 Higher 4-9

6 Assessment objectives
AO1: Use and apply standard techniques (50% Foundation, 40% Higher) AO2: Reason, interpret and communicate mathematically (25% Foundation, 30% Higher) AO3: Solve problems within mathematics and other contexts (25% Foundation, 30% Higher) More emphasis on problem-solving, communication, proof and interpretation QWC will no longer be sign-posted.

7 Assessment structure Paper 1 33.3% Paper 2 Paper 3 Non-calculator
80 marks 1 hr 30 mins All papers may assess any content domains and all assessment objectives in roughly same proportions across all three papers. Foundation Tier Grades 1-5 Half marks on each paper targeting grades 1 to 3 (lower part) and other half at 3 (upper part) to 5 Higher Tier Grades 4-9 (allowable grade 3) Half marks on each paper targeting grades 4-6 and other half at 7-9


9 Changes to Homework AO3 Problem Solving
This is the outcome of Ofqual’s setting grade standards consultation. “Grade 5 will be of greater demand than the present grade C, and broadly in line with what the best available evidence tells us is the average PISA performance in countries such as Finland, Canada, the Netherlands and Switzerland.” Ofqual Manage expectations if their child expects the top grade (A*) they may not get a 9 – these are national %ages.

10 Problem Solving and Reasoning

11 Online Support

12 Revision Material

13 Any questions?

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