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Year 1 Newsletter Autumn Term - September 2017

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1 Year 1 Newsletter Autumn Term - September 2017
Welcome back after the long summer holidays! For this term our big question is “Who am I?” We will be looking at our families and talking about how we have changed. We will also be thinking about our bodies and our senses. Also, throughout the year we will be looking at how the seasons change and will be investigating the season of Autumn. We will be working really hard in our Literacy and Numeracy. Our writing target is: To write our first and last names with capital letters. Our reading target is: To use my phonics to read unfamiliar words. Our general target for this term is: To have good sitting and listening skills Singapore Maths This year we will be developing our maths skills through Singapore Maths. REMINDERS Classrooms are open at 8.50 a.m. and it is important that children are in class for morning registration at 9.a.m. Children who arrive after 9 o’clock will be marked as late. PE All children have 2 sessions of PE a week. P.E. kits can stay in school for a half term. Children need a white T shirt, black or navy shorts, and trainers/pumps Please can you help us by naming all uniform and PE kit. For safety reasons, no jewellery is to be worn and long hair must be tied back. This is in line with school policy. Homework This will be sent home on a Friday and is to be returned on the following Thursday. READING Please ensure your child’s book bag is in school everyday as they maybe listened to during the week. Please can you read with your child every night for 5 minutes. Please can you sign your child’s reading record book every time you hear your child read. Drinks Children may bring a bottle of water to school- (no fizzy drinks or juice) Bottles must be clearly labelled with your child’s name. Please feel free to come and see us with any queries or concerns. Nicola Cunningham and Jenny Boyle Y1 team

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