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The Boston Massacre History or Propaganda?.

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Presentation on theme: "The Boston Massacre History or Propaganda?."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Boston Massacre History or Propaganda?

2 The question is not if something happened on March 11, 1770….

3 The question is, what exactly did happen?

4 The Historical Background
The Stamp Act(1765) Forming of Sons of Liberty(1765) Nonimportation agreements(1765) Parliament revokes Stamp Act(1766)

5 British Troops Arrive On October 1, 1768 a group of British regulars arrived in Boston, Massachusetts to enforce new British mercantile laws and maintain order. The civilians reacted to the “Redcoats” like they were invaders, by taunting them through name calling, spitting, and fighting. During the next eighteen months tension mounted between the two sides.

6 What caused the tensions?
Resentment of what these troops symbolized- the loss of their freedom and growing British control Troops didn’t make much money and often needed side jobs to maintain a living. They often took jobs that colonists might’ve had or simply worked along side other colonists. Unable to secure lodgings in town, British troops pitched tents on the common. The stench from their latrines wafted through the little city on every breeze.

7 The Conflict Begins Crowds in the town square were quite common and the crowds often harassed British soldiers. On a snowy evening March 11, at 9 PM, the situation got ugly. The crowd soon swelled to almost 400 men. They began pelting the soldiers with snowballs and chunks of ice. Led by a huge mulatto, Crispus Attucks, they surged to within inches of the fixed bayonets and dared the soldiers to fire.

8 Comparing Images of The Boston Massacre Complete the chart in #1 on your handout using these two images(you have enlarged versions, too) Image #2 Image #1

9 The Conflict Explodes The soldiers loaded their guns, but the crowd, far from drawing back, came close, striking at the soldiers with clubs and a cutlass. The soldiers fired, killing three men outright and mortally wounding two others. The mob fled. As the gunsmoke cleared, Crispus Attucks (left) and four others lay dead or dying. Six more men were wounded but survived.

10 The very next day after the massacre, an engraving of the event appeared in the Boston Gazette. This is the picture from that engraving.

11 What actually happened that evening in early March of 1770 may never be known for certain. Yet, the “Boston Massacre” certainly helped reinforce the idea that the British were oppressive… whether it was true or not!

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