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Superfluorescence in an Ultracold Thermal Vapor

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1 Superfluorescence in an Ultracold Thermal Vapor
FIP Superfluorescence in an Ultracold Thermal Vapor Joel A. Greenberg and Daniel. J. Gauthier Duke University 7/15/2009

2 Superfluorescence (SF)
Pump W N L W2/Ll~1 ‘endfire’ modes Dicke, Phys. Rev. 93, 99 (1954); Bonifacio & Lugiato, Phys. Rev. A 11, 1507 (1975), Polder et al., Phys. Rev. A 19, 1192 (1979), Rehler & Eberly, Phys. Rev A 3, 1735 (1971)

3 SF Threshold Cooperativity Ppeak tSFtsp/N tsp tD 1 SF Thresh time
Spontaneous Emission Amplified Spontaneous Emission (ASE) Superfluorescence (SF) Cooperativity 1 SF Thresh Ppeak Cooperative emission produces short, intense pulse of light PpeakN2 Delay time (tD) before pulse occurs Threshold density/ pump power tSFtsp/N Power tsp tD time Malcuit, M., PhD Dissertation (1987); Svelto, Principles of Lasers, Plenum (1982)

4 New Regime: Thermal Free-space SF
* Counterpropagating, collinear pump beams1 * Large gain path length2 Detector (B) Pump (B) Cold atoms Detector (F) Pump (F) T=20 mK N~109 Rb atoms PF/B~4 mW L=3 cm, R=150 mm  F=R2/lL~1 DF2F’3=-5G NOT BEC! NO CAVITY! ≠ Inouye et al. ≠ Slama et al. 1) Wang et al. PRA 72, ; 2) Yoshikawa PRL 94, Inouye et al. Science 285, 571 (1999); Slama et al. PRL 98, (2007)

5 Results - SF Power (mW) t (ms) MOT beams F/B Pumps
SF light nearly degenerate with pump frequency Light persists until N falls below threshold F/B temporal correlations ~1 photon/atom  large fraction of atoms participate Forward Backward Power (mW) t (ms) on MOT beams F/B Pumps off

6 Results - SF Ppeak tD Density/Pump power thresholds PpeakPF/B
tD (PF/B)-1/2 Consistent with CARL superradiance* Power tD time tD (ms) Ppeak (mW) PF/B (mW) PF/B (mW) *Piovella et al. Opt. Comm. 187, 165 (2001)

7 What is the mechanism responsible for SF?
Probe Spectroscopy What is the mechanism responsible for SF?

8 What is the mechanism responsible for SF?
Probe Spectroscopy What is the mechanism responsible for SF? Pump (B) Probe Detector (B) (wp =w+d) Cold atoms Detector (F) Pump (F) T=20 mK L=3 cm, R=150 mm PF/B~4 mW N~109 Rb atoms DF2F’3=5G

9 Recoil-Induced Resonance
Atom-photon interaction modifies the energy and momentum of an atom Energy + momentum conservation result in resonance Absorption: atom atom Emission: atom atom

10 Probe Spectroscopy Forward Detector Backward Detector (FWM) Pout/Pin
RIR RIR PCR Raman Raman d (kHz) d (kHz) dSF dSF

11 Probe Gain Typical SF gain threshold are Pout/Pin~exp(10)=104
PRIR/Pprobe SF Threshold F/B Pump Power (mW)

12 Self-Organization RIR leads to spatial organization or atoms
Backaction between atoms and photons leads to runaway process  Lower SF threshold Scattering enhances grating Grating enhances scattering

13 Conclusions Applications
Observe free-space superfluorescence in a cold, thermal gas Temporal correlation between forward/backward radiation Spectroscopy and beatnote imply RIR scattering as source of SF Applications New insight into free electron laser dynamics Possible source of correlated photon pairs Optical/Quantum memory

14 Recoil-Induced Resonance (RIR)
Resonant Processes Recoil-Induced Resonance (RIR) Vibrational Raman Initial state atom Final state atom

15 Probe Spectroscopy Probe Power SF signal dSF Probe Power d (kHz)
Forward Detector Rayleigh pump beam alignment Probe Power Rayleigh Raman pump beam alignment Raman SF signal dSF Backward Detector (FWM) SF Power Probe Power time (ms) d (kHz)

16 Beatnote d (kHz) Power (F)
Look at beatnote between probe beam and SF light as probe frequency is scanned Power (F) d (kHz)

17 Beatnote d (kHz) Df~450kHz fSF~-50kHz 1/Df
Look at beatnote between probe beam and SF light as probe frequency is scanned Df~450kHz fSF~-50kHz 1/Df time (ms) d (kHz)

18 Weak probe Pumps (w) Probe (wp=w+d) d (kHz) d (kHz) Backward Forward

19 Coherence Time 1 Power PR time on toff F/B Pumps off PR toff

20 Lin || Lin Backward Pumps (w) Forward Power time (ms)

21 Results - SF Ppeak tD Ppeak (mW) OD  N Power time
*Piovella et al. Opt. Comm. 187, 165 (2001)

22 CARL Regimes Good Cavity: k<wr Bad Cavity: k>wr Quantum: wr>G
MIT (1999) Quantum CARL Ultracold Atoms/BEC MIT (2003) Tub (2006) Tub (2006) Semiclassical: wr<G Tub (2003) Thermal In resonator Free space Slama Dissertation (2007)

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