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Central retinal vein occlusion as the only manifestation of syphilis

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1 Central retinal vein occlusion as the only manifestation of syphilis
Hospital General Universitario Reina Sofía (Murcia) Pastor Montoro M, Perea Riquelme MA, Bascuñana Mas MN, Villegas Pérez MP

2 Clinical case Woman, 52 years. No personal history of interest.
Family history: Father with central retinal vein occlusion. Sudden loss of vision in left eye in the last 2 weeks. General discomfort for the last 2 months.

3 Clinical case VA OD 60/60 VA OS 6/60

4 Clinical case FA

5 Clinical case Diagnosis CRVO tipo I No vascular risk factors
No other factors associated Systemic study 3 weeks later: VA OS 40/60

6 Penicillin G Benzathine 2.5 MU intramuscular 3 weekly doses
Clinical case LUES SEROLOGY RPR + 1/2 TPHA + 1/80 FTA-Abs + 1/400 Systemic study VIH negative Lumbar puncture negative Penicillin G Benzathine 2.5 MU intramuscular 3 weekly doses Treatment

7 Conclusion Ocular involvement by syphilis may have multiple clinical manifestations The incidence of syphilis has risen recently in our country and therefore it should be considered in the differential diagnosis of retinal vasculitis, even in the absence of risk factors for sexually transmitted diseases In our case, a full systematic study allowed early diagnosis and successful treatment

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