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How to post a discussion through Moodle Room: Your course website home view Click on a Discussion.

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Presentation on theme: "How to post a discussion through Moodle Room: Your course website home view Click on a Discussion."— Presentation transcript:

1 How to post a discussion through Moodle Room: Your course website home view
Click on a Discussion

2 Adding your discussion
Click on the “Add a new discussion topic” to post your discussion.

3 Type in your subject & message
You may click on “ADD” to add a file. Click on “Post to forum” to post your discussion

4 Your discussion posted!
Once you post, you should see your discussion listed under the particular discussion assignment. Click on the discussion subject to see you & your group member’s post.

5 Edit, delete or reply to postings
You may edit or delete your post. You may reply to your group member’s post by clicking here!

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