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Julie Riganati Finance Systems Analyst La Salle University

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1 Julie Riganati Finance Systems Analyst La Salle University
Creating Escheat and other Banner form letters using Argos and external tables Session 683 Julie Riganati Finance Systems Analyst La Salle University

2 CPE Credits To receive CPE credits for this session (if eligible), complete the CPE Attendance Form on the PABUG Annual Conference website For additional questions please contact Lora Harper CPE - Coordinator

3 La Salle University Private Roman Catholic University founded in 1863
3,200 undergraduate students 2,000 graduates

4 Need to create Argos reports using data that is not in Banner
Escheat letters for uncashed checks are identified based on a list of checks obtained by the bank Take data in a simple format that functional users can work with (csv file) Turn that csv file into a table that can be used in Argos for reporting Oracle external tables allow for this

5 Steps to create an external table
Create a directory object – DBA does this as SYS Grant read/write on the directory object Similar to a script for a table where you identify the columns and data types Reference the directory object in the table script Specifically assign name to the csv file that will be used as the table

6 Create directory object
Our directory object is called XTERN_FINANCE_DIR

7 Grant read and write on directory object
SYS will grant the permissions to read/write to the directory object

8 Script to create the table
Reference the directory object in the code to create the table Reference the directory object and the specific name of the csv file

9 csv File with uncashed check info from bank is saved on server
The referenced file Escheat.csv will be saved on the Banner server, in the directory /load/PROD/finance

10 Once created, anyone with permission can select on table
desc fxcheat Name Null Type FXCHEAT_CHECKNO VARCHAR2(8 CHAR) FXCHEAT_CHECK_AMT NUMBER(17,2) FXCHEAT_PAYEE_NAME VARCHAR2(60 CHAR) select count(*) from fxcheat; COUNT(*)

11 Argos datablock has three reports

12 Argos datablock form – choose bank code
Customize this list of bank codes for your institution, based on those eligible for Escheat checks. If the data in the csv file is bad (formulas, double quotes around dollars, etc.) and you try to report/select on the table you will get a tablename_error.bad file created in same path as file. These errors needs to be corrected or could miss records.

13 Report to show checks and cancel status for review

14 Letters

15 All files will be made available
Text file with instructions for sysdba to create the directory object Script to create the table, referencing the directory object Argos datablock with three reports, listing, letters and csv file of the checks, based on one or more bank codes

16 Datablock and docs on COOP
Information was posted to Evisions COOP including datablock and files

17 Open to the Floor Questions Comments

18 Thank You Your input matters! Please submit a session evaluation. PABUG Mobile App Session Browser

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