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Presentation on theme: "Jabberwocky."— Presentation transcript:

1 Jabberwocky

2 List descriptive adjectives that come to mind when looking at this picture
Write two prediction “I think…” statements for the picture Write one question that comes to mind when viewing this picture

3 GRAMMAR WARM UP Charles Lutwidge Dodgeson was born in Cheshire England in He was one of eleven childen and his siblings love hearing and reading the stories and poem he made up he studied math in school an became a math professor at Oxford university. However, you know him best as Lewis Carroll, the author of Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland. He also wrote jabberwocky.”

Charles Lutwidge Dodgeson was born in Cheshire, England in He was one of eleven children, and his siblings loved hearing and reading the stories and poems he made up. He studied math in school and became a math professor at Oxford University. However, you know him best as Lewis Carroll, the author of Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland. He also wrote “Jabberwockey.”

5 Poem Listen Read

6 Poem Reflection- Think/Pair/Share
Who are the characters in this story? What is the setting of this story in the poem? What is happening in this poem and what is the outcome? Can you use context clues to find the meaning of any of the Nonsense Words?

7 Identify Underline all figurative language in the poem:
Rhyme scheme Personification Alliteration Simile Metaphor Onomatopoeia Circle all nonsense words in the poem.

8 Read Humpty Dumpty’s Explanation
In what ways are your impressions/definitions of the poem similar to or different from Humpty Dumpty’s? What is your current understanding of the poem? What is the basic story?

9 Videos Alice Reads the poem Johnny Depp’s Version Muppet Version
Which video helped your understanding of the poem and why? Was there a video that confused you or did not help your understanding? If so which one and why? How did the mood or tone vary in the 3 videos?

10 Assignments Complete graphic organizer for words
Circle all alliterations Underline all rhyming words Box all similes and metaphors Highlight all personification Triangle all onomatopoeia

11 The Lorax Comparison Read the excerpt from Dr. Seuss’s The Lorax
Then answer the questions and complete the writing prompt comparing this piece of text to Lewis Carroll’s “Jabberwocky”.

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