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Macbeth Learning Objective Read and understand Act 1 Scene 3 and 4.

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Presentation on theme: "Macbeth Learning Objective Read and understand Act 1 Scene 3 and 4."— Presentation transcript:

1 Macbeth Learning Objective Read and understand Act 1 Scene 3 and 4.
Begin to understand Shakespeare’s craft.

2 Starter 1 Write a 20 word summary of ‘Macbeth’ so far.
10 words for Act 1 Scene 1 10 words for Act 1 Scene 2. Compare your summary with your neighbour.

3 Starter 2 What do you think the witches look like?
Draw or write a description of how you would represent the witches in a modern adaptation of ‘Macbeth’.

4 Different representations of the witches
Which representation to you prefer and why?

5 Act 1 Scene 3 Re read the witches predictions to Macbeth and Banquo (line 45 – 76). In groups act out this section. How would Macbeth and Banquo react? (surprised, with fear, disgusted, nervous) Be prepared to show your representation to another group or the class.

6 Extension. Asides. An aside is a dramatic device that gives important insights into a character’s thoughts and feelings . In lines 126 – 43, Macbeth processes the news that he is now the Thane of Cawdor and that one of the Witches’ prophecies has already come true. Macbeth’s confusion is evident in this section, as he wavers between murderous thoughts and an awareness of good and evil. Think about how the language makes you feel. As I read: At each full stop make a full about turn (180 degrees) At each comma make a half term (90degrees) Which words or lines stood out for you? How did this activity improve your understanding of Macbeth’s thoughts and feelings?

7 Macbeth Learning Objective Read and understand Act 1 Scene 3 and 4.
Begin to understand Shakespeare’s craft. Working towards

8 Act 1 Scene 4 Appearance and reality This is an important theme in ‘Macbeth’ and we will see evidence of it time and time again. What does Duncan mean when he says: ‘There’s no art / To find the mind’s construction in the face’. What does this tell us about him?

9 Act 1 Scene 4 Dramatic irony is when the audience know more than the characters in the play. Discuss the dramatic irony here: He was a gentleman on whom I built An absolute trust. Enter MACBETH

10 Key terms. Key quotes Are there any new terms or important quotes from today’s reading that you can add to the key terms or key quotation pages of your books?

11 Plenary Summarise today’s lesson in two ways. 1. What we learnt about the plot line of Macbeth. 2. EXIT CARD = What we learnt about Shakespeare’s craft.

12 Homework Must: Use a copy of Macbeth’s aside in Act 1 Scene 3 (stuck into books) and highlight anything that you consider important and why. Consider key and possibly extension questions. Should: Extension questions above. Could: Write a few sentences on Shakespeare’s craft – what has he done in this aside to represent Macbeth and why? What has he done elsewhere in the play so far to represent Macbeth and why?

13 Macbeth Learning Objective Read and understand Act 1 Scene 3 and 4.
Begin to understand Shakespeare’s craft.

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