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Ranjani.K.Murthy, Researcher and Consultant,

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Presentation on theme: "Ranjani.K.Murthy, Researcher and Consultant,"— Presentation transcript:

1 Gender transformative practices and experiences – What difference they make?
Ranjani.K.Murthy, Researcher and Consultant, Gender and Development, India Presentation for IFAD Gender Breakfast December 19th, 2017

2 Objectives of presentation
Concept Realms of use Practices Outcomes and impact Aiding factors/ challenges Implications IFAD

3 Gender Transformation (adapting from Kabeer, 1994, Murthy, 2016)
Gender- blind Gender- instrumental Gender-ameliorative Gender-transformative Approach/process and an end

4 Different hierarchies
Understanding gender-Transformation (Kabeer, 1994, Hillenbrand et al, 2015) Institutions Marriage Household Community State Supra-state Norms Practices Distribution of Resources Distribution of power Different hierarchies

5 Pre-requisites ..UN Women
For gender relations to be transformed, the structures that underpin them have to change: ….lead lives that are free from violence; …. expansion of the full range of human capabilities and have equal access to a wide range of resources ….have a real presence and voice in the full range of institutional fora

6 Difference and similarities with other concepts
Institutional approach Process/Implementation Outcome/ impact Gender equality (1979)- * Women’s Empowerment Gender mainstreaming Gender transformation Is it abuse of terms such as gender equality and WE that has lead to gender transformation?

7 Realms of use Policy Programming- GT goals and others Interventions –
Institutional Monitoring and evaluation

8 Some examples Policies: Bangladesh -women’s rights to water bodies, market spaces and labour contracts Intervention: African Transformative Project- showing films on men and women who broke norms to foster change Institutional: India strengthening women nurses’ organisations, their safety, housing and promotions Evaluation: Global Fund for women for tracking what kind of changes are happening- beliefs, norms, policy, resources

9 Change matrix (GFW) Individual Access and control over resources
Beliefs, attitudes, values Access and control over resources Informal Community Formal A belief is an internal feeling that something is true, even though that belief may be unproven or irrational. eg I believe that walking under a ladder brings bad luck, or I believe that there is life after death. A value is a measure of the worth or importance a person attaches to something; our values are often reflected in the way we live our lives. eg I value freedom of speech, or I value my family. An attitude is the way a person expresses or applies their beliefs and values, and is expressed through words and behaviour. eg I get really upset when I hear about cruelty to children and animals, or I hate school. Laws, policies, resources, expenditure, local govt/govt. capacities Cultural norms and practices Systemic

10 Eating together

11 Women with land title

12 Some example: Breaking norms, India

13 Some example: Breaking Norms,

14 Milk processing value chain-Afghanistan

15 FGM Kenya

16 Which sectors are good practices found more?
Micro finance Livestock Markets Incomes Decision making in projects Women exclusive programmes Land rights, agriculture Non stereotypical vocational training Reduction in work load Local governments. Producer companies/value chains Men and youth Women as perpetrators

17 Context specificity In institutional strategies for gender transformation In interpreting what is transformative and what is not. In setting realistic, yet transformative, indicators In identifying who is most marginalised amongst women

18 Facilitating and constraining factors
Less gender gap Lower SIGI score Low GII Weak policies Political will on GT Weak women’s movement No quota for women in local govt GII health, empowerment

19 Implications for IFAD Gender/Social transformation as one of the principle in Strategic Framework Revise 2012 Policy on GEWE= transformation and relevant SDGs ( technology, intra hh nutrition, strengthen national sex disagg data) Working manuals on GT- institution, programmes, budget/expenditure and M and E Documentation of good practices and ‘ not so good practices’; learning from others Others – GT as a goal or strategy or both? COSOP or projects.

20 New waves, new shapes? Or old waves new names?

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