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GET YOUR NOTEBOOK OUT G.O.T. = Get On Task Have pages OPEN!

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Presentation on theme: "GET YOUR NOTEBOOK OUT G.O.T. = Get On Task Have pages OPEN!"— Presentation transcript:

1 GET YOUR NOTEBOOK OUT G.O.T. = Get On Task Have pages 24-25 OPEN!
Measurement TOPIC 4 MY GOAL G.O.T. = Get On Task Mon Taxonomy I will… review the work I did on Thursday & Friday GET YOUR NOTEBOOK OUT Have pages OPEN!

2 Cont. The Science of Classifying
9. Limitations to Linnaeus Physical traits alone Technology has surpassed this  we can study the GENETICS a.k.a. DNA of living things  more specific! 10. Phylogeny: = evolutionary history Looks at fossils, DNA, embryos – not just anatomy

3 Summarize Evolutionary History
Cladograms Summarize Evolutionary History CLADES = branches NODES - where common ancestor branches into a new group DERIVED CHARACTERS = traits that have evolved (changed) over time

4 Cladogram Example Explanation of Book example – page 525
WALKING bicycle motorcycle car Airplane Wheels, motor, wings, passengers enclosed Wings Passengers enclosed Motor Wheels

5 Cladogram with “Derived Characters” and “Sister Groups
? Derived Characters… Sister groups are more closely related…

6 Plant Cladogram ?

7 Cladograms can also look like this
Sister Groups Sister Groups Sister Groups ?

8 13. Why is classification always a work in progress…?
Tube-Nosed Fruit Bat Pinocchio Frog Wondering Leg Sausage millipede

9 What questions do you have regarding Cladistics?
Stop Think And Review What questions do you have regarding Cladistics? Turn to ISN pages 9

10 PRO = NO! No true nucleus NOR membrane-bound organelles
ISN p. 26 TWO MAJOR TYPES OF CELLS EUKARYOTE PROKARYOTE PRO = NO! No true nucleus NOR membrane-bound organelles EU = TRUE! True nucleus AND mem-bound organelles

11 Take a look at these type of test questions:
Directions: Use the answers below for questions Answers may be used once, more than once, or not at all. A. Prokaryote B. Eukaryote C. Both Types An example is bacteria Does not contain any organelles with membranes around them Have/Has DNA Has a true nucleus The plant, animal, fungus and protist kingdoms contain mostly these types of cells PROkaryote PROkaryote BOTH PROkaryotes AND EUkaryotes EUkaryote EUkaryote

12 All life on Earth is related, & can be represented in a single tree

13 ISN p. 27 Concept Map of Domain & Kingdoms
PROkaryotic EUkaryotic Archaea Eukarya Protista Fungi Eubacteria Archae- bacteria Plantae Animalia

14 Distinguishing Characteristics of Each DOMAIN
ISN page 28 Distinguishing Characteristics of Each DOMAIN DOMAIN Prokaryotic OR Eukaryotic Uni OR MultiCellular Live Where Bacteria Archaea Eukarya Everywhere! Pro Uni EXTREME environments Pro Uni Land, sea, air Include All living things EXCEPT bacteria! Protist Fungi Plants Animals, Uni & Multi Eu

15 What questions do you have regarding the 3 DOMAINS?
Stop Think And Review What questions do you have regarding the 3 DOMAINS? Turn to ISN pages 15

16 Archae & EuBACTERIA Kingdom Comparison
PRO OR Eukaryotic Uni-Celled OR Multi-Celled? Auto or Hetero Harm? Beneficial? JUST AN FYI Archae-bacteria PROkaryotic Uni Hetero; some are Auto Disease!!!! Symbiosis – help break down food in us & other animals!; help make dairy products; important to ecosystem; decomposers; (break down dead organisms); break down oil Most abundant org. in world!! Small fraction cause disease; Eubacteria PRO

17 PROTISTA & FUNGI Kingdom Comparison
PRO-karyotic OR EU Uni OR Multi-Celled? Auto or Hetero Harmful? Helpful? JUST AN FYI Protista Eu Mostly multi, some single Some Hetero & Some Auto Some cause disease = Malaria + “Don’t drink the water..?” + Red tide Food chain + Diatoms may be the “World Champion” of oxygen production! Some can be plant-like, some animal-like, some fungus-like; Fungi Some single, some multi Hetero – they are NOT plants! Bread mold, Plant disease (damage orange trees, strawberry crops, peach trees); also athletes foot & ringworm Decomposers (return nutrients to soil) + Food (mushroom, blue cheese dressing) + Medicine (Penicillium is source of penicillin!) Largest organism in the world living in Oregon – mostly underground = 1500 football fields!

18 PLANTAE & ANIMALIA Kingdom Comparison
PROkaryotic OR Eukaryotic Uni-Celled OR Multi-Celled? Auto or Hetero Harmful? Helpful? JUST AN FYI Plantae EU Multi Auto Non-Native & Invasive plants Oxygen; Food (coffee, spices) + clothing + lumber + MEDICINE (homes for animals) Some have vascular tissue (veins) some don’t Animalia Hetero Humans! Food Most physically diverse group in the world!

19 Name the Kingdom! Archaebacteria, Eubacteria, Protista, Fungi, Plantae, Animalia
The ‘true’ bacteria – a group of prokaryotes, similar to ancient fossil bacteria that produce by chemosynthesis rather than by photosynthesis. Many organisms; can be eukaryotic plant-like, animal-like, or fungus-like organism, some unicellular and some multicellular, lacking complex organ systems and living in a moist environment. The ‘ancient’ bacteria - group of prokaryotes found in extreme environments that have a wide variety of structures and types of metabolism.

20 Name the Kingdom! Archaebacteria, Eubacteria, Protista, Fungi, Plantae, Animalia
Multicellular, eukaryotic, consumers that eat and digest other organisms for food – are able to move and have tissues organized into organs and complex organ systems. Mostly multicellular heterotrophic eukaryote that absorbs nutrients by decomposing dead organisms. Stationary, multicellular eukaryotes that photosynthesize.

21 What questions do you have regarding the 6 Kingdoms?
Stop Think And Review What questions do you have regarding the 6 Kingdoms? Lets look at some pictures of Protists, and Fungi 21

22 Most plantsare AUTOtrophic = SELF Feeding
Kingdom Plantae Most plantsare AUTOtrophic = SELF Feeding Some are even HeTeRotropic!!! = OtHeR feeding  they do NOT have chlorophyll! Indian Pipe = also a parasite Snow plant – Parasites on other green plants

23 Plant like, Animal like, Fungus like
Kingdom Protista Lots of Variety! Plant like, Animal like, Fungus like Plant AND Animal-Like Plant-Like Animal-Like Animal-Like

24 Used for Food & Food Production
Kingdom Fungi These are NOT plants!!! Used for Food & Food Production Blue Cheese,Mozzarella Soy Sauce Chocolate Many soft drinks

25 Stop Think And Reflect Did we reach our goal?
Our goal today was for me to give you a good review of the work you did on Thursday & Friday! Did you reach that goal? How do you know that you reached the goal? What are you going to do if you did not reach that goal?? 25

26 MiniSummative tomorrow!
EOCA = End of Class Assignment Be the change you wish to see in the world 26 26

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