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Opportunities for Education & Career Development at CERN

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2 Opportunities for Education & Career Development at CERN
Seamus Hegarty Deputy Head of Talent Acquisition HR Department

3 Overview Staff Fellows, Associates & Students How to apply Conclusion
Summer Student Programme Technical Student Programme Doctoral Student Programme Administrative Student Programme Fellowship Programme Graduate Engineering Training scheme Technician Training Experience Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions Associates How to apply Conclusion

4 Administrative support
Staff Staff Research physicists Applied physicists Engineers Technicians Administrators Administrative support Contract duration up to 5 years on Limited Duration contract Eligibility from apprenticeship to PhD Features attractive employment conditions relocation expenses technical training language courses mentorship for new recruits Application & Selection positions advertised on application via CERN’s recruitment system asynchronous video-screening (Sonru) interview at CERN

5 Fellows, Associates & Students
Graduate Engineering Training Technician Training Experience FELLOWS Junior Senior Marie Sklodowska-Curie Actions ASSOCIATES Scientific Corresponding Project STUDENTS Doctoral Technical Administrative Summer Fellows: young physicists and engineers (from junior engineers to post-doctoral research physicists) from Member States, normally staying two years. Also Marie Skłodowska Curie Actions (Horizon 2020). Graduate Engineering Training (GET): Programme introduced in 2009 to leverage engineering training opportunities at CERN. Technician Training Experience: Launched in Similar to the GET but targeted at technician-level, Scientific Associates: senior scientists spending up to one year at CERN. Corresponding Associates: senior scientists spending up to six months at CERN. Project Associates: physicists, engineers and technicians sent to CERN by their home institution for periods up to three years. Students: several sub-programmes, catering for different seniority levels (from undergraduates to PhD candidates) and offering different durations (from 2-3 months for Summer Students, up to 3 years for Doctoral Students).

6 Fellows 140-160 positions/year
Fields Physics, engineering, computing & more... Duration at CERN Usually 2 years (max. 3) Eligibility Junior: BSc, MSc (max. 4 yrs experience) Senior: MSc or PhD (max. 10 yrs experience) Features Career Development Prospects Project with a CERN supervisor Training & Networking Employment Contract Application & Selection 2 Committees per year: May & November “An ideal place to follow the most recent ideas in physics and start new collaborations”

7 Marie Skłodowska Curie Actions at CERN - Fellowships
Unparalleled funding and training opportunities Funded by the European Commission’s Framework Programmes FP6: CERN recruited 105 researchers FP7: CERN has recruited 175 researchers from end-2008 to mid-2012 H2020: under way Projects in physics, engineering, hadron therapy Exciting training programmes at CERN for researchers for 2 to 3 years Initial Training Networks → 3-year Fellowship Individual Fellowships → Post-Docs apply to European Union (joint application with CERN supervisor) COFUND : additional EU funding for the CERN Senior Fellowship Programme Advantages of Marie Curie Actions Excellent research & training conditions CERN Fellow employment contract CERN is currently preparing new proposals for the Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions in Horizon 2020

8 Doctoral Student Programme
40-50 positions/year Fields Applied physics, engineering, computing Duration at CERN 3 years Eligibility Enrolled on a doctoral programme in a Member State or Associate Member State university (implies residence over past 5 years) Features A PhD thesis project with a CERN supervisor & university supervisor A living allowance Application & Selection 2 Committees : January & June “Gave me the opportunity to meet important people, especially in the research fields”

9 Technical Student Programme
positions/year Fields Applied physics, engineering, computing Duration at CERN 4 to 12 months Eligibility 18 months of technical undergraduate studies in a Member State or Associate Member State university Features A technical project with a CERN supervisor A living allowance Application & Selection 2 Committees : January & June “It’s a great place to start a career, it’s a great place to learn new skills, make new friends…”

10 Administrative Students Programme
20 positions/year Fields Translation, human resources, business administration, law, finance, librarianship, science communication, audiovisual, communication and public relations… Duration at CERN 4 to 12 months Eligibility 18 months of technical undergraduate studies in a Member State or Associate Member State university Features An administrative project with a CERN supervisor A living allowance Application & Selection 2 Committees : January & June “I’m happy about the opportunity to learn something new every day”

11 Technician Trainee Experience
~30 positions/year Fields Electrical, Mechanical Computing Duration at CERN 1-2 years Eligibility BTEC/HNC/HND Technician level Features Career Development Prospects Project with a CERN supervisor Training & Networking Employment Contract Application & Selection 1-2 Committees : January & June “Working with leading edge technology in an international environment”

12 Students by Discipline
Applied Physics 49% Engineering 40% Computing 46% Doctoral Students Technical Students

13 Summer Student Programme
140 positions/year* Fields Physics, engineering, computing Duration at CERN 8 to 13 weeks, during the summer Eligibility 3 years of full-time studies at university level Features High-quality lecture programme Lecturers: leaders in their field / world-wide Visits and workshops Living allowance + programme for non-Member State students Application & Selection Deadline January. Offers March. “Can’t imagine a better way to spend my summer” Over 6000 young scientists have benefitted to date... * pro-rata to contributions

14 CERN Summer Students

15 “It’s the chance to focus on being the very best at what you do.”
Staff positions positions/year Fields Various Duration at CERN 5 years limited duration contract Eligibility from apprentice to PhD experience Features Challenging Work Great working environment Competitive Salary & benefits Training Application & Selection All year round – specific vacancies “It’s the chance to focus on being the very best at what you do.”

16 Senior Applied Fellows
Procedures (FAS) External Ranking Academic Excellence Candidate e-recruitment Research Fellows Eligibility Experience Discipline Nationality Internal Ranking Senior Applied Fellows HR Completed application Departments Junior / Students Referees Selection Committee

17 Selection (AFC & TSC) Folders go to Departments via Reps
Requests submitted to Reps Pre-meeting to resolve conflicts and ensure budget respected Selection Committee: Takes selection decisions Ensure fairness & transparency across departments Ensure excellence Raise & decide on Policy issues Quotas 1975 Fellows Selection Committee

18 Particular Considerations
Associate Membership status Subject to combined ‘ceiling’ for Personnel & Procurement

19 Find out more… Facebook Careers site YouTube LinkedIn Twitter
Create engagement Attracting through referrals YouTube Showcase CERN Explain jobs that are hard to understand Help on recruitment process LinkedIn Engage with professional community Twitter Increase CERN’s presence Careers site Thanks to :

20 We look forward to receiving applications from Lithuania!
Conclusion CERN offers a multitude of first-class training opportunities in a high-tech, multi-cultural environment providing essential and world-class recognised capabilities for capacity building equipping the next generation of scientists and engineers We look forward to receiving applications from Lithuania!


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