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Heredity and Genetics Who do you look like?.

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Presentation on theme: "Heredity and Genetics Who do you look like?."— Presentation transcript:

1 Heredity and Genetics Who do you look like?

2 Heredity - the passing of traits from parent to offspring
Genetics – the study of how traits are inherited Genes The material that controls which traits are expressed in an organism Genes come in pairs and offspring inherit one copy of each gene from each parent

3 Alleles - the different forms of a trait that a gene may have
Where are genes found? Where are alleles found?

4 * Characteristic - a feature that has different forms
*Traits - the different forms of the characteristic For Example: head hair is a characteristic of humans red hair or curly hair are traits What are some other examples of characteristics and traits?

5 Trait Descriptions Dominant Trait-
a trait that prevents another trait from appearing. dominant allele covers up or dominates the other trait capital letters represent the dominant alleles

6 Recessive Trait a trait that does not appear when the dominant trait is present recessive allele the trait that seems to disappear lower case letters represent the recessive alleles

7 How Alleles Combine *Hybrid
receives different genetic information for a trait from each parent. It is a trait that is made up of a combination of a dominant and a recessive trait. * Heterozygous (hybrid) an organism with two different alleles for one trait (written Tt) Hetero- means different.

8 * Pure receives the same genetic information for a trait from each parent It is a trait that is made of all dominant or all recessive traits. *Homozygous (pure) Homo means- “same” an organism with two alleles for one trait that are the same. written T T for pure dominant or tt for pure recessive

9 Genetic Make-up and Appearance
Genotype the genetic make-up of an organism. It is the combination of alleles that an organism gets from its parents. (example: Tt) Phenotype The way an organism looks as a result of its genotype Physical appearance (example: blue eyes)

10 Punnett Squares Geneticist Reginald Punnett developed a diagram that can be used to predict the way genes will combine when passed from parent to offspring.

11 Capital letters – dominant traits
Lower case letters – recessive traits *letters always represent the dominant trait* RR – indicates a pure dominant trait rr – indicates a pure recessive trait Rr – indicates a hybrid trait

12 Sample Punnett Square For Example: mice G dominant trait – gray coat
g recessive trait – white coat Genotype Phenotype GG – pure dominant gray gg – pure recessive white Gg – hybrid gray

13 Draw the Punnett Square Below
Traits: Genotype % Phenotype % G= gray fur % pure dominant _____ % gray g = white fur ____%pure recessive _____% white ____% hybrid Cross: Mom Dad Gg x gg Dad= Gg Mom= gg

14 Applying the Heredity Laws
Law of Dominance -Traits are inherited in pairs - Both the dominant and recessive trait can be present in the organism, but only the dominant trait will appear

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