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Heredity and Adaptation Teaching Slides, 2.3

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1 Heredity and Adaptation Teaching Slides, 2.3
If you are using the PowerPoint slides, log in to your FOSSweb account on your internet browser. Then, cut and paste these links into your browser. Resources by Investigation provides access to all notebook masters, teacher masters, online activities, and video content: The eBook provides access to all FOSS Science Resources articles: If you are using the PDF versions of the slides, simply log in to your FOSSweb account before starting; the embedded links will take you directly to the Resources by Investigation and the eBook. If you plan to use these slides offline, be sure to plan ahead and download the necessary duplication masters from the Resources by Investigation section of FOSSweb.

2 Larkey parents Teacher master AA, Larkey Parents This is a pair of larkey parents What do you think their offspring might look like? We are going to set up a model to see what their offspring might look like and what the population could look like after two generations. Heredity and Adaptation Course, 2.3: Heredity Step 1

3 Focus question 2.3 Page 81 How can we model how genetic information passes from generation to generation? Do not answer yet. Heredity and Adaptation Course, 2.3: Heredity Step 2

4 Larkey parent genes Teacher master AA, Larkey Parents
What do you notice about the genetic makeup of these larkeys? They are homozygous for each trait, and each allele is represented. Teacher master BB, Larkey Breeding Record Heredity and Adaptation Course, 2.3: Heredity Step 3

5 Breed the larkeys online
“A Model for Predicting Genetic Variation” Follow the steps to guide students through the online activity. Heredity and Adaptation Course, 2.3: Heredity Step 4

6 4. Breed the Larkeys When we write a genotype, if a gene has a dominate and a recessive allele, we record the dominant allele first. This is the first generation, and it is noted as F1. The F stands for the Latin word filial meaning child. The parents are the P generation. Heredity and Adaptation Course, 2.3: Heredity

7 Share results Teacher master CC, Larkey Breeding Results
What did you notice about the larkey population? There is a lot of difference between the parent’s generation, but the F1 generation all look the same. There are no long legs, stripes or spots, gray eyes, or bare tails. What do you think will happen in the F2 generation? Heredity and Adaptation Course, 2.3: Heredity Steps 3-4

8 Share results Teacher master CC, Larkey Breeding Results
What do you think will happen in the F2 generation? The long legs, stripes and spots, gray eyes, and bare tails will not spear in future generations. These traits will occasionally show up in future generations. Heredity and Adaptation Course, 2.3: Heredity Steps 3-4

9 Breed the F1 generation Turn to the Larkey Breeding Record you started in the last session. “A Model for Predicting Genetic Variation” When students are done breeding the F1 generation, project teacher master CC, Larkey Breeding Results, that you started for this class. Tally the results. Heredity and Adaptation Course, 2.3: Heredity Steps 7-8

10 Study the larkey breeding results
How did the traits in the population change between the parent and the F1 generation? How did the traits in the population change between the F1 and F2 generation? Why did the F1 generation all look the same? Why did all the F1 offspring have solid gray fur? Heredity and Adaptation Course, 2.3: Heredity Steps 8-9

11 7. Breed F1 generation They probably shouldn’t breed since they are brother and sister. Trade the Male with someone. This is the immigrant male you see on the breeding record. Fill in the genotype and phenotype for the immigrant male On the breeding record. Now we can breed the next generation. Heredity and Adaptation Course, 2.3: Heredity

12 9. Study the traits How did the traits in the population change between the parent and the F1 generation? There were equal numbers of traits in the P generation except for solid gray fur. Five traits completely disappeared in the F1 generation, and one new one appeared. How did the traits in the population change between F1 and F2 generation? Traits that were absent in F1 generation reappeared in the F2 generation Heredity and Adaptation Course, 2.3: Heredity

13 9. Study the results Think about genotypes and phenotypes
Why did the F1 generation all look the same? The F1 offspring inherited a dominant gene from one or the other of their parents so they all showed the dominant trait. They were all heterozygous for each trait. Why did all the F1 offspring have solid gray fur? They inherited one dominant and one recessive allele from their parents. Gray fur shows up when a larkey is heterozygous for fur color. Is there any other observations you can make? Heredity and Adaptation Course, 2.3: Heredity

14 Heredity and Adaptation Teaching Slides, 2.3 part 2
If you are using the PowerPoint slides, log in to your FOSSweb account on your internet browser. Then, cut and paste these links into your browser. Resources by Investigation provides access to all notebook masters, teacher masters, online activities, and video content: The eBook provides access to all FOSS Science Resources articles: If you are using the PDF versions of the slides, simply log in to your FOSSweb account before starting; the embedded links will take you directly to the Resources by Investigation and the eBook. If you plan to use these slides offline, be sure to plan ahead and download the necessary duplication masters from the Resources by Investigation section of FOSSweb.

15 Response sheet Notebook sheet 9, Response Sheet—Investigation 2
Heredity and Adaptation Course, 2.3: Heredity Step 10

16 Review vocabulary put it under your focus question (bottom of page)
Spend a few minutes reviewing the vocabulary for this part. Update the vocabulary index and table of contents in your notebook. Filial: Heredity and Adaptation Course, 2.3: Heredity Step 11

17 Answer the focus question 2.3 page 81
How can we model how genetic information passes from generation to generation? Heredity and Adaptation Course, 2.3: Heredity Step 12

18 Homework “Larkey Impossible Traits”
We’ll do the Practice mode in class; do the Quiz mode for homework. Heredity and Adaptation Course, 2.3: Heredity Step 13

19 Wrap-Up/Warm-Up How was doing the Larkey Impossible Traits simulation like answering the response sheet? Heredity and Adaptation Course, 2.3: Heredity Step 14

20 All rights reserved. Copyright The Regents of the University of California.
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