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Interesting CTGs- Discussion

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1 Interesting CTGs- Discussion
Dr. Latha Venkatram

2 Case 1 Archana 28 year old low risk primi at 38 weeks with SROM-clear liquor since early morning VE-2 cm dilated




6 Causes of Fetal Tachycardia
Premature fetus Fetal Hypoxia Maternal pyrexia Infections Beta Agonist Hyperthyroidism Fetal Anemia Fetal SVT


8 LSCS in view of tachycardia and concerns with chorioamnionitis

9 Learning points Continue the trace Think of the etiology
Appropriate corrective measures

10 Case 2 Mrs.S, 26 year old primi, uncomplicated pregnancy. Scan at 40 weeks-Normal growth, AFI 4. IOL planned Misoprostol -2 doses; Contractions commenced 01:30pm-3 cm dilated,0.5cms long. ARM-Clear liquor

11 01:30pm Syntocinon commenced Epidural sited
Mrs.S, 26 year old primi, uncomplicated pregnancy. Scan at 40 weeks-Normal growth, AFI 4. IOL planned Misoprostol -2 doses; Contractions commenced 01:30pm-3 cm dilated,0.5cms long. ARM-Clear liquor Syntocinon commened Epidural sited

12 03:00pm Mrs.S, 26 year old primi, uncomplicated pregnancy. Scan at 40 weeks-Normal growth, AFI 4. IOL planned Misoprostol -2 doses; Contractions commenced 01:30pm-3 cm dilated,0.5cms long. ARM-Clear liquor Syntocinon commened Epidural sited


14 A 15° lateral tilt can increase cardiac output by 20–25% and stroke volume by 25–30%, and decrease heart rate by 5–6 bpm


16 04:20pm Mrs.S, 26 year old primi, uncomplicated pregnancy. Scan at 40 weeks-Normal growth, AFI 4. IOL planned Misoprostol -2 doses; Contractions commenced 01:30pm-3 cm dilated,0.5cms long. ARM-Clear liquor Syntocinon commened Epidural sited

17 Mrs. S, 26 year old primi, uncomplicated pregnancy
Mrs.S, 26 year old primi, uncomplicated pregnancy. Scan at 40 weeks-Normal growth, AFI 4. IOL planned Misoprostol -2 doses; Contractions commenced 01:30pm-3 cm dilated,0.5cms long. ARM-Clear liquor Syntocinon commened Epidural sited


19 Reducing or discontinuing an oxytocin infusion
After 15 minutes of cessation, there is a 22% reduction in uterine activity By 30 minutes, there is a 39% reduction in uterine activity By 45 minutes there is a 48% reduction in uterine activity


21 TOCOLYTICS More rapid reduction in uterine activity
Terbutaline at a dose of 250 μg given subcutaneously Rapid onset of action with a reduction in uterine activity of up to 87.3% in 15 minutes Glyceryl trinitrate (GTN) has a half-life of 3 minutes sublingual spray to acutely reduce uterine activity

22 06:20pm Mrs.S, 26 year old primi, uncomplicated pregnancy. Scan at 40 weeks-Normal growth, AFI 4. IOL planned Misoprostol -2 doses; Contractions commenced 01:30pm-3 cm dilated,0.5cms long. ARM-Clear liquor Syntocinon commened Epidural sited

23 07:20pm 07:30pm PV Findings- FD,OA ,+1station Ventouse delivery-3 kg
Mrs.S, 26 year old primi, uncomplicated pregnancy. Scan at 40 weeks-Normal growth, AFI 4. IOL planned Misoprostol -2 doses; Contractions commenced 01:30pm-3 cm dilated,0.5cms long. ARM-Clear liquor Syntocinon commened Epidural sited Ventouse delivery-3 kg Cord gases A-7.25 ; -6 V-7.35; -2


25 Learning points-Umbilical cord blood gases
Most objective determinant of foetal metabolic acidosis at birth But Retrospective Paired sample essential Arterial pH is < the venous pH (the A-V difference should be >0.02 pH units, and for pCO2 the A-V difference should be >0.5 kPa (3.75 mmHg).

26 Learning points-Intra uterine resuscitation
Remember the SPOILT mnemonic: Stop oxytocin Position – adopt left lateral position Oxygen – before anaesthesia IV fluid bolus Low BP – consider vasopressors, ephedrine Tocolysis- Discontinue oxytocin, tocolytics

27 Case 3 28 year old G2P1L1 , 37 weeks admitted with conts- Ultrasound findings- EFW 2 kg< 4th centile AFI-2.5 Umb Art-Increased resistance Planned for IOL VE- 1-2 cm dilated



30 Beware of MOTHERS Meconium Oxytocin Temperature
When a CTG is reviewed look at the clincial picture. Beware of MOTHERS Meconium Oxytocin Temperature Hyperstimulation/haemorrhage Epidural Rate of progress Scar

31 Categorising decelerations
Variables without concerning characteristics Upto 90 mins-reassuring 90 mins or more-Non reassuring Variables with concerning characteristics More than 50 % of conts- 30 mins or more-abnormal up to 30 mins-non reassuring Upto 50% of conts 30 mins or more-Non reassuring

32 Concerning characteristics of variable decelerations-Nice 2017
Lasting more than 60 seconds Reduced baseline variability within the deceleration Failure to return to baseline Biphasic (W) shape No shouldering.

33 05:00am 05:00 am PV Findings- 1-2 cm ARM-Minimal clear liquor Synt commenced

34 06:00am

35 07:00am SVD; 2 kg baby Apgar's-8,9


37 Significance of FHR changes relative to pH
Learning points Significance of FHR changes relative to pH R. W. Beard, et al. The significance of the changes in the continuous foetal heart rate in the first stage of labour. J Obstet Gynaecol Br Commonw 78: , 1971.

38 Case 4 Mrs. D, G2 P1 L1 in spontaneous labour (previous lscs)
VE-Almost fully dilated; Vx at spines


40 IMPORTANT Exclude four major accidents during labour
caesarean scar rupture Abruption cord prolapse Uterine Hypertonicity

41 Acute HYPOXIA Acute hypoxia FHR <80 bpm > 3 mins
CHEMORECEPTOR STIMULATION- Vagal Stimulation- FHR decrease Acute hypoxia SUSTAINED INSULT-Myocardial Ischemia- FHR decrease FHR <80 bpm > 3 mins pH drop by 0.01/min

42 Guidance on Management
3,6,9,12 and 15 minute Rule 3 minutes Review the clinical situation 6 minutes Appropriate interventions 90% recovery if no pathology Call theatre/ anaesthetist 9 minutes 95%should recover Move to theatre 12 minutes Commence attempt to delivery 15 minutes Delivery by LSCS/ assisted vaginal

43 Case 5 Primi gravida at 35 weeks gestation with vague abdominal pain and decreased FM. BP- 140/100. Was diagnosed as gestational hypertension 1 week back. Was on lobet 100mg TID. Scan -normal.


45 Causes of Decreased Variability
Sleep Prematurity When combined with deceleration, sign of fetal acidosis Analgesic drugs in labour- Narcotics MgSO4 when given in eclampsia and preterm labour




49 Learning points Consider the full clinical picture
Commence appropriate Intrauterine resus measures Be prepared for delivery if non reassuring features persist


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