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Short answer questions

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1 Short answer questions

2 1 mark 1 word, phrase or number

3 2 mark “identify” list Keep these brief
It might be just two words or short sentences

4 2 mark Identify two reasons why some parents of children with special educational needs may want their children to educated in a special school rather than a mainstream school

5 2 mark Identify two reasons why some parents of children with special educational needs may want their children to educated in a special school rather than a mainstream school Avoid child being bullied for being different Specialist teaching for child’s needs Specialist equipment

6 2 mark Identify one advantage and one disadvantage of testing at primary schools

7 2 mark Identify one advantage and one disadvantage of testing at primary schools Adv Can highlight if the child has any problems with their learning Can compare schools Disad Stressful for children

8 2 mark Identify two reasons for the increase in lone-parent families

9 2 mark Identify two reasons for the increase in lone-parent families
Increase in divorce Less stigma Increase in births outside of marriage Secularisation

10 2 mark Identify two ways in which crime may affect the people who are victims of a crime

11 2 mark Identify two ways in which crime may affect the people who are victims of a crime They may have been physically harmed (e.g. shot) and left with a disability (e.g. brain damage) They may have been financially harmed (e.g. robbed) and be left with less money They be emotionally scarred (e.g. fear of crime)

12 2 mark Identify two reasons why people may read the newspaper

13 2 mark Identify two reasons why people may read the newspaper
Information (e.g. news stories) Entertainment (e.g. gossip pages)

14 4 mark “explain” Short paragraph: 4 things
Definition, expand, example, expand/criticise

15 4 mark Explain what is meant by the hidden curriculum

16 4 mark Explain what is meant by the hidden curriculum
Things that you are not officially taught in lessons but taught informally Ways you are taught culture within lessons E.g. taught hierarchy within the school Marxists argue the hidden curriculum helps students learn their place in a capitalist society

17 4 mark Explain what is meant by differential educational achievement

18 4 mark Explain what is meant by differential educational achievement
This means the difference between the grades achieved by different groups in schools Examples include the gender gap (girls achieving better results than boys) ethnic differences (some groups such as British Chinese achieving higher grades than Black Caribbean) and class differences (working class underachievement) Based on exam results/statistics Could be due to in school or home factors

19 4 mark Explain what is meant by family diversity

20 4 mark Explain what is meant by family diversity
Lots of different family types exist, not just the nuclear family Examples: lone parent, same sex, reconstituted Causes include secularisation New Right are concerned about this change and argue it has lead to social problems

21 4 mark Explain what is meant by a stereotype

22 4 mark Explain what is meant by a stereotype
An oversimplified image of a group Example: young people are likely to be trouble makers This can lead to labelling Concern that these stereotypes can lead to police targeting

23 4 mark Explain what is meant by traditional media

24 4 mark Explain what is meant by traditional media Older types of media
Example: newspapers, TV, radio These are slowly being replaced by new media For example convergence: you can now read a paper, watch TV shows and listen to DAB radio on an ipad

25 4 mark Explain what is meant by the digital divide

26 4 mark Explain what is meant by the digital divide
Some people have new technology and others don’t E.g. in the UK those with money may have laptops, smart phones etc but others cannot afford these privileges Some argue this is a new type of inequality Others argue it is still a problem worldwide it is not such a problem in the UK as electronic goods are getting cheaper

27 5 mark Describe and explain 2 marks describe 3 marks explain

28 5 mark Describe one way in which governments have tried to increase competition between schools over the last 30 years and explain why they have tried to do this

29 5 mark Describe one way in which governments have tried to increase competition between schools over the last 30 years and explain why they have tried to do this League tables Schools put into order based on results Improve standards of schools E.g. schools know parents look at the tables and so it forces schools to do what they can to improve results otherwise numbers at the school may go down

30 5 mark Describe one way in which the patterns of fertility have changed in Britain over the last 30 years and explain the reasons for this change

31 5 mark Describe one way in which the patterns of fertility have changed in Britain over the last 30 years and explain the reasons for this change Women having fewer children Dropped from between 2&3 to between 1&2 Could be due to changes in attitudes towards women’s roles E.g. women now in paid work Focus on careers so women having children later and so can not have as many children

32 5 mark Describe one way agency of informal control and explain how it can influence people’s behaviour

33 5 mark Describe one way agency of informal control and explain how it can influence people’s behaviour Friends provide informal social control Within a peer group Do this through rewards e.g. rewarding appropriate behaviour through acceptance, praise Through negative sanctions e.g. exclusion from the group for inappropriate behaviour Example: a friendship group may be accepting and praise their friend for getting a promotion but exclude a friend who has started taking drugs

34 5 mark Describe one way in which individuals or groups can create contact on the internet and explain why they might want to produce content in this way

35 5 mark Describe one way in which individuals or groups can create contact on the internet and explain why they might want to produce content in this way Blog A personal website or web page on which an individual records opinions, links to other sites, etc. on a regular basis. Cheap and easy way to publish information based on their opinions E.g. do not have to find a publisher, can access a wide audience, have complete control over what they write Might even achieve fame and money e.g. Perez Hilton

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