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ELD October 30th, 2017 Melissa Hawkins Yazmin Martin Aceves

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Presentation on theme: "ELD October 30th, 2017 Melissa Hawkins Yazmin Martin Aceves"— Presentation transcript:

1 ELD October 30th, 2017 Melissa Hawkins Yazmin Martin Aceves
Amalia Lopez Mindy Gosvener

2 Session Agenda Review of district Big 3 /Teaching Methods
Interpretive & Structuring Cohesive Tests Standards Analysis Strategies for Teaching Connection to ELPAC task types

3 1. District Expectations

4 Explain how mistakes are a part of learning. (LL.2.PS.2.1)
Lifelong Alignment Describe the effects of growth mindset self-talk while staying focused on a goal. (LL.2.PS.2.3) Initiate conversations with others and pay attention when they are speaking. (LL.2.ES.2.2) Explain how mistakes are a part of learning. (LL.2.PS.2.1) Replace with each grade-spans correlating Lifelong learning by presenter

5 Ideal Learning Experience
Replace with each grade-spans correlating Lifelong learning by presenter

6 Every Lindsay English Language Learner will advance one EL proficiency level each year.
EL proficiency level through 17/18 is identified using CELDT descriptors (beginning, early intermediate, intermediate, early advanced, advanced)

7 Every Lindsay English Language Learner will advance one EL proficiency level each year.
EL Big 3 + Everyone speaking in complete sentences at ALL times. + Learners will use academically/ formally appropriate language frames + Learners MUST have a language goal in addition to SMART goals LUSD Top 3 Teaching Methods + Differentiated language frames + Oral rehearsal using advance organizers + Comprehensive academic vocabulary instruction

8 2. Structuring Cohesive Texts and Interpretive

9 Structuring Cohesive Texts
Focuses on text structure Alignment to ELA RI.5 (Level 2) Key skill in subject-specific learning such as History, Science, etc. Data shows this is an instructional need Tie in to Interpretive #6 Close reading Strategies for comprehension Supports Level 3 ELA such as RI.1 Supports comprehension in all contents GIST of the Standards

10 Share at your table the key things you discovered.
Scan the standards progression documents for the 3 chosen targets. As you go, identify and annotate: UNDERLINE Changes within a grade-level between each proficiency level CIRCLE: Changes to the standard across the grade-levels HIGHLIGHT Similarities between grade-levels and proficiency levels Levels of support Standards Unpacking Share at your table the key things you discovered.

11 3. Strategies for Teaching Text Structure to ELs

12 Instructional Approaches for Cohesive Texts
Practice teaching these targets with content text (History & Science) Apply strategy to multiple types of texts and contexts Meant to serve English Learners in how to approach a text over the course of multiple reads Supports development of close reading skills Identify ELD standards, 3 reads

13 Reading Cohesive Texts with English Learners
At your tables, read the first 4 paragraphs (the first section) of the article. During the first read, HIGHLIGHT transition phrases or phrases the author uses to make connections On your second read, CIRCLE academic language choices On your final re-read, decide what text type you think the article is. What evidence supports your decision? Compare with your peers at your table.

14 Transitioning Reading into Writing
At your tables, consider the graphic organizer(s). Fill out the graphic organizer with evidence from the text. Share at your table: What evidence did you put in the graphic organizer? Copy of thinking maps Insert screenshot of graphic organizer

15 Beyond the Graphic Organizer
What does the graphic organizer lead to? Concept mapping has a 0.64 effect size!

16 Light Moderate Substantial
How do you support your various levels of English Learners? Light Moderate Substantial Add vocabulary to notebook Orally rehearse using information from the graphic organizer Partner Reading Reading Strategy: Consider Structure Front-loading vocabulary with partner choral practice Orally rehearse using graphic organizer and open sentence starters Reading Strategy: Reader-Writer-Speaker Response Triads Front-loading vocabulary with translations into their 1st language Orally rehearse using graphic organizer and language frames Reading Strategy: Paraphrase Chunks Talking point to connect to progressions for levels of support Turn to neighbor - what are other ways to support learners in developing vocab Reading Strategies book in District Resources / 99 Strategies for English Learners - one strategy for each level

17 Sample Reading Strategies
Screenshots of moderate and substantial to populate - show District Resources

18 Your Turn Choose a resource of your own: Raz Kids NewsELA Stemscopes
ReadWorks Find an article at grade level Determine text structure focus Consider scaffolds and learner evidence: Thinking map or graphic organizer? Reading Strategy? Learner Evidence? Language Frames?

19 4. Connection to the New ELPAC

20 Aligned ELPAC Task Types
These task types allow students to show their abilities in reading English. Circle all the task types for grade level span.

21 5. Closing & Feedback

22 Search District Vetted
Empower Playlists

23 Resources on Sched Today’s Presentation New ELPAC Task Types

24 Thanks! Any questions?

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