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APPENDIX B Adams/Car Files

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1 APPENDIX B Adams/Car Files


3 Adams/Car Files This appendix supplies information about the Adams/Car configuration and data files.

4 Adams/Car Files What’s in this appendix: Adams/Car Configuration Files
Adams/Car Data Files

5 Adams/Car Files Table 1. Adams/Car Configuration Files The file:
Contains: .acar.cfg Information that Adams/Car reads during startup to correctly initialize the session. There are private, shared, and site configuration files. acar.cmd Commands for starting Adams/Car. acarAS.cmd Preferences you set. AS stands for After Startup, meaning that Adams/Car reads it after it reads other setup files. acarBS.cmd Preferences you set. BS stands for Before Startup, meaning that Adams/Car reads it before it reads other setup files. The source file is kept behind this picture for any editing.

6 Adams/Car Files Table 2. Adams/Car Data Files The File: Does the following: Aero_force(.aer) Contains wind-force mappings. Assembly(.asy) Lists the subsystems that make up Adams/Car assemblies. Autoflex input (.afi) Describes a section + Centerline + attachment points (an extruded solid). The executable, afi2mnf.exe, processes the file to create a modal neutral file (MNF) flexible body. Adams/Car database (.cdb) Directory that serves as the Adams/Car database. Drive control (.dcf) Contains maneuver descriptions for the Driving Machine. Driver data (.dcd) Contains data for the Driving Machine. Differential (.dif) Defines the slip speed-torque characteristics of a differential. Driver loadcase (.dri) Contains driving signals used in a data-driven, full-vehicle analysis. The driver loadcase specifies inputs to the vehicle. Loadcase (.lcf) Contains data used in suspension analyses. The source file is kept behind this picture for any editing.

7 Adams/Car Files 3 Table 2. Adams/Car Data Files (continued) The file: Does the following Model (.mdl) Obsolete Plot configuration (.plt) Defines a suit of plots to be automatically generated after completion of an analysis. Powertrain (.pwr) Defines the engine speed-torque relationship at different throttle positions. Property Contains force properties of entities: Bump stops (.bum), .xml Bushings (.bus), .xml Dampers (.dpr), .xml Reboundstop (.reb), .xml Spring (.spr), .xml Tire (.tir) Road Data (.rdf) Contains data on road. Subsystem (.sub) Contains information unique to the specific instance of the template the subsystem file references. Suspension curves (.scf) Used in Conceptual Suspension Modeling add-on module. Steering_assist (.ste) Contains torsion bar data relating torsion bar deflection to both torque and pressure. Tables (.tbl) Subdirectory in Adams/Car database called tables. Each subdirectory contains files for specific types of components, such as springs and dampers, or files for performing tests, such as loadcases and wheel envelopes. Template file (.tpl) Defines the topology and major role (for example, suspension or steering) of Adams/Car models Wheel envelope (.wen) Contains location vector information that represents the wheel center location and orientation for space. Used for wheel envelope analyses. The source file is kept behind this picture for any editing.


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