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Whole School, Whole Community, Whole Child

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1 Whole School, Whole Community, Whole Child
Monthly Webinar Series October 2017

2 Meet Your Presenters Ellen Essick Kelly Langston

3 SHAC 101 and Meeting Facilitation
Whole Child NC SHAC 101 and Meeting Facilitation

4 Webinar Logistics Listen only mode Type in your questions
Engagement polls

5 Healthy Schools Section Team
Ellen Essick, PhD Section Chief Nakisha Floyd Burt Jenkins Kelly Langston Dwayne Madison Susanne Schmal Les Spell

6 NC State Board Goal: Every Student is Healthy, Safe and Responsible
“NC public school students will be healthy and responsible” is one of the 5 State Board of Education priorities. Dropping out of school is associated with poor health. Goal is 90% + grad rate Healthy Responsible Students North Carolina State Board of Education

7 State Board Objectives
1. Create and maintain a safe and respectful school environment 2. Promote healthy, active lifestyles for students 3. Decrease the number of students who are chronically absent, dropout, or suspended out of school 4. Decrease violence and crime in schools

School-site Health Promotion for Staff Comprehensive School Education Physical Education & Activity Services Nutrition Counseling, Psychological & Social Services Healthy Environment Family & Community Involvement HEALTHY SAFE ENGAGED SUPPORTED CHALLENGED

9 Whole Child NC Established 9/3/2015 as an advisory committee to the State Board of Education. Identifies and reviews the challenges of at-risk school-aged population such as poverty, safety, health and other non- academic barriers. Makes recommendations to the State Board of Education, other state agencies and education stakeholder groups as to how best to facilitate access for all public school children to receive the opportunity for a sound basic education.

10 Whole School, Whole Community, Whole Child Resolution
On November 3, 2016, the North Carolina State Board of Education adopted a resolution establishing a Whole School, Whole Community, Whole Child Framework for the State Board of Education. This resolved that the NC SBE adopts the WSCC model as a framework for supporting the health behaviors and academic performance of students; and the NC SBE encourages LEAs to use the WSCC model as a framework for creating collaborative school/community relationships and improving students’ learning and health; and renamed the Interagency Committee, whose work it is to identify wrap-around services needed by public school students and to ensure coordination and collaboration of these services from State agencies and related external partners, to be known as the NC SBE Whole Child NC Committee.


12 Today’s Objectives Recall the history of SHACs
Name who should be on a SHAC Describe the purpose of a SHAC Explore the connection of SHACs and the WSCC/Whole Child model Review meeting facilitation best practices

13 What is a SHAC? History of SHACs

14 What is a SHAC? School Health Advisory Council
Healthy Active Children Policy (HAC) Section 1 a Each Local Education Agency shall establish and maintain a local School Health Advisory Council to help plan, implement, and monitor this policy as well as other health issues as part of the coordinated school health program. Local Wellness Policy (LWP)

15 Who Should “SHAC”? Key Stakeholders

16 Who Should “SHAC”? Healthy Active Children Policy (HAC) Section 1 b
The local School Health Advisory Council shall be composed of community and school representatives from the ten coordinated school health components of the Whole School, Whole Community, Whole Child model named in Section 2 a, representatives from the local health department and school administration.

17 Who Should “SHAC”? Community and School Representatives
Health Education Physical Education and Physical Activity Nutrition Environment and Services Health Services Counseling, Psychological, and Social Services Social and emotional climate Physical Environment Employee Wellness Family Engagement Community Engagement

18 Who Should “SHAC”? Representatives from the Local Health Department
School Administration LEA Official with Oversight

19 Purpose of a SHAC? The Why!

20 Purpose of a SHAC? School Health Advisory Council
Healthy Active Children Policy (HAC) Section 1 c The local School Health Advisory Council shall work in conjunction with the designated LEA official who has oversight of the Healthy Active Children Policy, Local Wellness Policy and the ten coordinated school health components of the Whole School, Whole Community, While Child model, as outlined in section 2a, to oversee, implement and monitor the Local Wellness Policy.

21 Purpose of a SHAC? School Health Advisory Council
Healthy Active Children Policy (HAC) Section 1 d The local School Health Advisory Council shall inform and update the public about the content, implementation, evaluation and compliance of the Local Wellness Policy and the Healthy Active Children Policy.

22 Purpose of a SHAC? Healthy Active Children Policy
Local Wellness Policy Facilitation of the Whole Child Process How SHAC and Whole Child are connected Commitment verse Compliance

23 Healthy Children Learn Better!

24 Healthy Active Children (HAC) Policy Report 2016
Summary Data from LEA School Health Advisory Councils

25 Healthy Active Children Policy
Policy Updated December, 2016 30 minutes of Physical Activity Daily Physical Activity may not be used as punishment Recess may not be withheld as a form of punishment or for making-up missed work School Health Advisory Council (SHAC)


27 Whole School, Whole Community, Whole Child
In the Healthy Schools section at the Department of Public Instruction, we use the Whole School, Whole Community Whole Child model as the basis of our work. This coordinated school health model places the health of students in the context of the whole school and whole community and recognizes that much of what affects the health and academic performance of children results from factors such as access or lack of access to resources, which is a byproduct of poverty. Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development Centers for Disease Control

28 Healthy Active Children Policy
Section 1: Local School Health Advisory Council (SHAC) Section 2: Whole School, Whole Community, Whole Child (WSCC) Model Section 3: Local Wellness Policy Section 4: Physical Education and Healthful Living Section 5: Physical Activity and Recess Section 6: Nutrition Services, Education and Promotion Section 7: Policy Monitoring The Healthy Active Children Policy (SHLT-000) was updated at the December 1, 2016 State Board of Education meeting. The policy was updated to reflect the change from the Coordinated School Health model to the Whole School, Whole Community, Whole Child (WSCC) model. These changes include a move from 8 components to ten components of coordinated school health that require representation on local School Health Advisory Councils (SHACs). The two additional components came from separating the former Family/Community Involvement component into Family Engagement and Community Involvement components and separating the former Healthy School Environment component into Social & Emotional Climate and Physical Environment components. Physical Activity was also added to the Physical Education component and Nutrition Services was renamed Nutrition Environment & Services. Under the Policy Monitoring Section, LEAs are required to “maintain a current Local Wellness Policy and the most recent assessment of progress with implementation of the policy and submit as requested to NCDPI”. Also, the requirement for LEAs to submit their annual Healthy Active Children Policy survey report by September 15th of each year was updated to also require LEAs to submit their corresponding Superintendent Attestation Form. (21 LEAs did not submit their Superintendent Attestation Form for their 2016 HAC report.)

29 2016 HAC Policy Report Key Points
100% of LEAs Responded (115/115) 63% of SHACs met at least quarterly 65% of SHACs provide annual reports to their local BOE 30% of LEAs provided staff wellness programs 2016 We received 116 responses including Cherokee Central Schools. 65% of LEAs provide staff wellness programs in some of their schools 4% of LEAs do not provide staff wellness programs in any of their schools 2015 90% of LEAs Responded (104/115) 40% of SHACs meet at least quarterly 71% of SHACs provide reports annually to their local BOE 27% of SHACs provide staff wellness programs to all schools in their LEA 2015 LEAs with no response: 1. Alleghany 2. Asheville 3. Avery 4. Halifax 5. Jones 6. Lexington 7. Madison 8. Martin 9. Orange 10. Warren 12. Weldon 2014 98% of LEAs Responded (112/114) 54% of SHACs meet at least quarterly 57% of SHACs provide reports annually to their local BOE 30% of SHACs provide staff wellness programs to all schools in their LEA

30 HAC Policy Report Key Points
40% report that ALL of their elementary schools provide 150 minutes of weekly PE with a certified Physical Education teacher 52% report that ALL of their middle schools provide 225 minutes of weekly Healthful Living with certified Health and Physical Education teachers 2015 31% report that ALL of their elementary schools provide 150 minutes of weekly PE with a certified PE teacher 37% report that ALL of their middle schools provide 225 minutes of weekly Healthful Living with certified health and physical education teachers 32 LEAs Elementary Down from last year 38 LEAs Middle 2014 36% for Elementary 43% for Middle

31 SHACs Who Met At Least Quarterly
40% reported last year for 2015 only included LEAs that responded that they met 4 times per year. The 62% figure includes all LEAs that responded using the “Other” answer choice and indicated they met at least quarterly. 54% previously reported for 2014 included LEAs that responded as meeting 4 times a year and monthly. The 62% figure includes LEAs that responded using the “Other” answer choice and indicated they met at least quarterly. 43% previously reported for 2013 only included LEAs that chose the answer choices for either “Monthly” or “Four times a year”. The 64% figure also includes LEAs that responded using the “Other” answer choice and indicated they met at least quarterly. 52% previously reported for 2012 only included LEAs that chose the answer choices for either “Monthly” or “Four times a year”. The 65% figure also includes LEAs that responded using the “Other” answer choice and indicated they met at least quarterly. Other responses for 2016 included: 3 times per year During the school year, the SHAC meet once. Four meetings have been scheduled for the school year. 3-4 times per year Starting in the school year the SHAC Committee will meet five times a year or as determined by the majority of the group. Once a year or more depending on need While our team did not formally meet during the year due to several leadership changes, members participated on several occasions in separate meetings related to all eight components of the coordinated school health program. Frequency is contingent upon needs Previously met quarterly but group voted to have meetings biannually with sub-committees meeting more often as needed

32 Reports Used to Inform Work
2015 YRBS – 83% Up from 62% on 2014 Profiles – 27% Up from 17% in 2014

33 Top Areas of Focus Physical Activity Nutrition
LEAs were asked to select the top three priorities from their SHAC’s Action Plan. The priority area receiving the most overall votes was Nutrition. Safe School Environment was chosen second most overall, and Mental Health, Counseling, Social Work and Physical Activity tied for the third highest priority, overall. It should be noted that Mental Health, Counseling, Social Work received the most votes under Priority #1. Mental Health, Counseling, Social Work Safe School Environment

34 This is a comparison of the 10 focus areas that were included as options on both the 2006 and 2016 HAC surveys. The ranking goes to 12 because there were actually 13 focus areas included as choices in The three additional focus areas were Alcohol and Other Drugs (which ranked as the #8 focus area in 2016), HIV/STD/Teen Pregnancy Prevention (#10 in 2016), and Injury and Violence Prevention which tied with focus areas of Tobacco for #12. Anywhere the blue line (2016) is higher up than the green line (2006), the level of concern for that focus area has increased. Anywhere the blue line (2016), is lower than the green line (2006), the level of concern for that focus area has decreased. Nutrition was the #1 focus area in 2006 and remains the #1 focus area in 2016. The focus area that has seen the largest increase in level of concern is Mental Health, which moved from the #10 focus area to the #3 focus area over the last 10 years. There have been only two other focus areas that have seen increases. Family & Community Involvement went from the #9 focus area in 2006 to the #5 focus area in 2016, and Safe School Environment went from #6 to the #2 focus area. The focus area that has seen the largest decrease in level of concern is Physical Education, which dropped from the #4 focus area in 2006 to the #11 focus area in 2016. The focus area of Tobacco has seen the second largest decrease in level of concern for SHACs over the last ten years, going from the #7 to tied for last at #12 with Injury and Violence Prevention.


36 % of LEAs in Which No School or Teacher Withheld Recess as a Punishment*
2016 No, there have been no teachers that have withheld any physical activity as punishment. – 92% (106 LEAs) Yes, there have been one or more teachers who have withheld physical activity as punishment. – 8 % (9 LEAs) All 9 of these LEAs indicated how they plan to bring such teachers into compliance with the Healthy Active Children Policy. *This includes staying in to make up work or to do extra work.

37 Most common methods used to provide physical activity:
ALL LEA Elementary Schools Provide 30 Minutes of Daily Moderate to Vigorous Physical Activity 93% - Yes 7% - No Most common methods used to provide physical activity: Recess 97% 30 Minutes of PE 91% Classroom Energizers 87% Intramurals 28% 2016 - Of the 21 LEAs that chose other resources, 5 specifically reported using to provide activity 2015 This information is reflective of elementary schools. - Overall up 3% from 2014. 93% of LEAs provides moderate to vigorous physical activity daily at elementary school level Recess – 96% 30 minutes of PE – 94% Classroom Energizers – 85% Intramurals – 33% Common methods numbers essentially the same with intramurals increasing 4% since 2014

38 Most common methods used to provide physical activity:
ALL LEA Middle Schools Provide 30 Minutes of Daily Moderate to Vigorous Physical Activity 77% - Yes 23% - No Most common methods used to provide physical activity: 30 Minutes of PE 91% Classroom Energizers 75% Recess 52% Intramurals 44% 2016 Of the 25 LEAs reporting using other resources for physical activity, 9 report using time for walking/running. 2015 This information is reflective of middle schools. 73% of LEAs provides moderate to vigorous physical activity daily at middle school level 30 minutes of PE – 95% Classroom Energizers – 72% Recess – 50% Intramurals – 48% Essentially the same percentage as 2014: Increase 4% in classroom energizers 2% decrease in recess 4% increase in intramurals

39 LEAs with Joint Use Agreements
Written Community Use of Facilities Policy 95% Do not have a written community use of facilities policy, but community members do use the school facilities for physical activity 4% 2016 1% - Do not have a written community use of facilities policy 2015 88% - Written community use of facilities policy 11% - Do not have a written community use of facilities policy, but community members do use the school facilities for physical activity

40 Local Policies Local policy that reflects the Healthy Youth Act 92% Local policy that reflects the School Violence Prevention Act (Bullying and Harassment) 99% 2015 86% - Local policy that reflects the Healthy Youth Act (4% decrease in policy reflecting Healthy Youth Act from 2014) 97% - Local policy that reflects the School Violence Prevention Act (Bullying and Harassment)

41 Technical Assistance Provided
Healthy schools website (73%) Attended training provided by DPI (55%) Communication with state public health staff (43%) from DPI staff (55%) Local site visit with DPI staff (25%) Phone call with DPI staff (45%) 2016 – out of 115 LEAs that completed survey Healthy schools website (73%) from DPI staff (55%) Communication with state public health staff (43%) Attended training provided by DPI (55%) Phone call with DPI staff (45%) Local site visit with DPI staff (25%) Did not receive technical assistance (30%) Meeting with DPI staff in Raleigh (12%) DPI Teleconferences (13%) Attending training events provided by NC Comprehensive School Health Training Center (32%) Communications with other state agencies (43%) 2015 – out of the 104 LEAs that completed the survey Healthy schools website (63%) from DPI staff (50%) Communication with state public health staff (44%) Attended training provided by DPI (48%) Phone call with DPI staff (41%) Local site visit with DPI staff (22%) Did not receive technical assistance (34%) Meeting with DPI staff in Raleigh (24%) DPI Teleconferences (16%) Attending training events provided by NC Comprehensive School Health Training Center (28%) Communications with other state agencies (38%) 2014 – out of the 109 LEAs that completed the question (3 skipped it) Healthy schools website (64%) from DPI staff (40%) Communication with state public health staff (40%) Attended training provided by DPI (49%) Phone call with DPI staff (36%) Local site visit with DPI staff (16%) Did not receive technical assistance (23%) Attending Healthy Schools Institute (HLI or CSHP By the Sea) (36%) DPI Teleconferences (10%) Attending training events provided by NC Comprehensive School Health Training Center (31%) Communications with other state agencies (32%) Other, please specify (6%)

42 Who Receives a SHAC Report?
2016 30% of LEAs provide SHAC reports to their Community/Public 6% of LEAs do not provide SHAC reports to any of the above choices 16% of LEAs provide SHAC reports to other groups Other groups included principals, district administrators, all groups represented on SHAC, school employees, Health Director, etc. 2015 County Commissioners 3% Local Board of Health 14% Local Board of Education 71% (14% increase in report to local Board of Education from 2014) Superintendent 82%

43 Do LEAs… Offer nutrition education that aligns with national dietary guidelines, adheres to state academic standards; utilizes integrated instruction, is grade-specific and sequential in building skills for students to choose, prepare and consume healthy foods and beverages; and connects the classroom, cafeteria and community with involvement from teachers, school staff, School Nutrition professionals, families, students and the community.

44 Local Wellness Policy Includes…

45 Local Wellness Policy Includes…
Periodic measurement and assessment, available to the public on Local Wellness Policy implementation, including the extent to which schools are in compliance with the Local Wellness Policy, the extent to which the Local Wellness Policy compares to statutory requirements, and a description of the progress made in attaining the goals of the Local Wellness Policy.

46 Process of a SHAC?

School-site Health Promotion for Staff Comprehensive School Education Physical Education & Activity Services Nutrition Counseling, Psychological & Social Services Healthy Environment Family & Community Involvement HEALTHY SAFE ENGAGED SUPPORTED CHALLENGED

48 Data Driven Prevention + Data Responsive Problem Solving = Healthy School Environment

49 Health Data Collection
HAC Progress Report Youth Risk Behavior Survey School Health Profiles School Health Services Report NC Teacher Working Conditions

50 Les – we can take them to a populated assessment tool, but with the district removed. I figured you could walk them through some examples, like the following


52 Infrastructure and Sustainability
Dedicated staff and programs at DPI and state/community partners Strengthened collaboration between the public health and education sectors Included health indicators in school improvement/review processes Improved and increased school health policies, practices and assessments Established School Health Advisory Councils at the state and local levels

53 Operation Zero Suspensions
The Winston-Salem/Forsyth County Schools partnered with the School Health Alliance for Forsyth County and other community partners in an effort to reduce the number of mandatory suspensions resulting from noncompliance with kindergarten health assessments and 7th grade immunizations .

54 LEA SHAC Policy Successes
The local wellness policy was revised to include: nutritional analysis and guidelines posted monthly on the County School websites, at least 20 minutes given for lunch, and water available to all students during the day. 2015 Partnered with community agencies to address the mental and physical health needs of our students, including the basic needs of clothing, food and shelter.

55 LEA SHAC Program Successes
Local Mental Health group was also able to offer free continuing education to SHAC members including suicide prevention. Mental Health Workers were placed in schools. Offered Mental Health first aid training to all administrators. 2015 Continued with PBIS-Positive Behavior Intervention Support program this school year. Provided Epi-Pen training at all schools in district Implemented Active Routes to School to promote active lifestyles. Instituted no food celebrations during the school day at elementary schools.

56 Helpful Tips and Best Practices
Meeting Facilitation Helpful Tips and Best Practices

57 Set Regular Meetings Set dates at the beginning of the year
Second Tuesday at noon and everyone bring a lunch Meet virtually, if helpful DO NOT cancel Canceling or rescheduling sends the message that these meetings are negotiable Everyone should give a report

58 Facilitation Best Practices
Start on time End on time If you want people to come back People need to know how much time to schedule Do not come late or leave early, just to report Report time is different than discussion time Hold the entire team to this

59 Facilitation Best Practices
Manageable size Use subcommittees Table name tents for speaking Stick to an agenda Don’t monopolize the conversation Talk your share and remember some folks don’t feel comfortable fighting for air time

60 Next Webinar Family Engagement and Community Involvement
November 28th, 2017 10:00 am NO December Webinar Health and Physical Education and Physical Activity January 23rd, 2018

61 Contact Us! Ellen Essick Kelly Langston Website
Kelly Langston Website

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