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Starter for today Pick at least one object from the front of the room.

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Presentation on theme: "Starter for today Pick at least one object from the front of the room."— Presentation transcript:

1 Starter for today Pick at least one object from the front of the room.
Use that object to set up one of your jewelry pieces that you have. Fill out a tag and place in the display Leave out on your desk so Mrs. Francesocni can come by and check you off.

2 How to photograph your work
Jewelry Day 16 How to photograph your work

3 Agenda for today Review what we did last time.
Listen to demonstration on how to set up a display and photograph your work. Write down steps in sketchbook for when you are ready. Photograph at least one piece of jewelry that you have done and it to Mrs. Francesconi. Work on wire projects.

4 Last time We wrote down the steps to making a wire and bead link.
We photographed our pendants and ed them to Mrs. Francesconi to start grading. We photographed our spiders and ed them to Mrs. Francesconi. We worked on our tree of life pendants We began work on our wire and bead links If you were not here last time you will want to check with people at your table and go to the classroom website to find what you need to catch up.

5 Jewelry displays

6 Step 1 Select objects that represent or accent your jewelry piece.
Avoid matching the colors they should contrast well. Complementary colors work well High contrast of black and white also work well. Make sure that the object you select is not too distracting, it should be about your jewelry not the display.

7 Step 2 Arrange a background so when looked at there is no distractions of things you didn’t add. For example put cloth down to cover the table. Add a paper wall to take away from distractions.

8 Step 3 Lighting You need to make sure that you light your piece in a flattering way. Mostly you want a flooding of light on your piece. Shadows should be minimal. Depending on your piece you can have warm or cool light on your jewelry. Cool light for more industrial settings like metal backgrounds Warm light for natural settings like leaves and pine cones.

9 Step 4 Angle of photography
Make sure you are getting your work photographed ad an angle so the piece shows as being three dimensional. Photographing directly on will make the work look flat. Lastly you will send your picture to Mrs. Francesconi at

10 Studio Time First make sure you have good notes for the how to photograph your work. Second finish your pendant and photograph once done to turn in. Finish the bead spider if you started that one, photograph to turn in. Next finish your tree of life if you started that one, photograph to turn in. Lastly finish your bead and wire jewelry. You must be working the entire time so do more if you are done with one.

11 Clean up Put saw blades away if still intact or throw away if they are broken. Put all supplies away nothing should be in your boxes except the exact amount of beads, wire, and sheet metal you are using for your projects. Put your sketchbooks away in your hanging file and keep your projects in your box.

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