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I. Family Culture and Gender Roles

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Presentation on theme: "I. Family Culture and Gender Roles"— Presentation transcript:

1 I. Family Culture and Gender Roles
A. The New Affluence and the Family 1. Rising Standard of Living 2. Emphasis on Domesticity and Nuclear Family 3. “Baby Boom” B. The Cold War and the Family 1. “Red Scare” Impact on Women 2. Kinsey Reports 3. Culture of Conformity

2 I. Family Culture and Gender Roles
C. Rethinking the Feminine Mystique 1. Friedan’s The Feminine Mystique 2. Freidan’s Critics 3. Impact on Feminism D. Women and Work 1. Changing Employment Patterns 2. Expanded Availability of Jobs 3. Minority and Immigrant Women 4. Changes in Hiring Policies 5. Varying Personal Choices

3 II. Women’s Activism in Conservative Times
A. Working-Class Women and Unions 1. Struggling to Maintain Gains 2. Challenges to Racial Discrimination 3. Unions Challenge Gendered Workplace 4. Mexican Women

4 II. Women’s Activism in Conservative Times
B. Middle-Class Women and Voluntary Associations 1. Shifted Focus from Women’s Rights 2. Racial Justice 3. Political Groups 4. Anti-Communist Climate

5 III. A Mass Movement for Civil Rights
A. Challenging Segregation 1. Impetus from World War II 2. Battle against Segregation in Education 3. Montgomery Bus Boycott B. Women as “Bridge Leaders” 1. “Bridge Leadership” 2. Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee 3. Freedom Rides

6 III. A Mass Movement for Civil Rights
C. Voter Registration and Freedom Summer 1. Voter Registration Strategies 2. Mississippi Freedom Democratic Party D. Sexism in the Movement 1. Women Question Subordination 2. Civil Rights Movement and Feminist Movement 3. “Black Power”

7 III. A Mass Movement for Civil Rights
E. A Widening Circle of Civil Rights Activists 1. Mexican Americans 2. Women’s Role

8 IV. Women and Public Policy
A. The Continuing Battle over the ERA 1. Division over Passage of ERA 2. Some Emphasize Equal Pay Laws B. A Turning Point: The President’s Commission on the Status of Women 1. President’s Commission on the Status of Women 2. Equal Pay Act

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