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International Security and Peace: Northeast Security Issues

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Presentation on theme: "International Security and Peace: Northeast Security Issues"— Presentation transcript:

1 International Security and Peace: Northeast Security Issues
Prof. Jaechun Kim

2 1. Geopolitical Map of Northeast Asia

3 2. Major Security Challenges of Northeast Asia
North Korea’s Nuclear Weapons Program North Korea’s Byongjin Strategy ( ) : North made it official that it would not relinquish nukes Dramatic increase in nuke capabilities Use of HEU for 3rd test! Danger of nuclear arms race in the region

4 Source of instability in inter-Korean relations
Not many policy options!

5 Escalating great power rivalry in the region
Rise of China Assertive foreign policy posture of Xi – No more “韜光養晦 (conceal one's ability and bide one’s time!)” “有所作爲”  “主動作爲” “New Type of Great Power Relations (新型大國關係)” with the US – We are two equals!

6 Strained relations with Japan
Good neighbor policy toward neighboring countries in Southeast Asia, but at the same time using ‘great power diplomacy’ to them… Disputes with Vietnam Disputes with the Philippines Strained relations with Japan Senkaku islands (釣魚島) Charm offensive to South Korea



9 Russia Strained Relationship with the US
Gradual shift to Northeast Asian region

10 China & Russia in North East Asia and Korean Peninsula

11 US – Pivot to Asia (Rebalancing Strategy) ! Japan’s Renewed Aggression
Collective self-defense Distorting history Territorial disputes with major stakeholder countries in the region  Asia Paradox


13 3. Solutions? How to Deal with the North Korean Nukes?
Trust-process(trustpolitik) toward North Korea? Build Trust First! Strengthen (nuclear) deterrence? Restart nuclear diplomacy?

14 How to deal with Asian Paradox?
Establish multilateral security institution in the region! Asian equivalent of CSCE and OSCE… Northeast Asia Peace and Cooperation Initiative (NAPCI)? Seek Cooperation in Non-traditional Security Issues (Human Security Issues) Give “neo-functionalism” a chance! Start Small; Incrementalist Approach… !

15 Mini-multilateralism
Korea-Japan-China Trilateral Summit

16 Multilateral institutional settings of the region

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