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the Lyman-alpha Radiometer onboard PROBA-2

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Presentation on theme: "the Lyman-alpha Radiometer onboard PROBA-2"— Presentation transcript:

1 the Lyman-alpha Radiometer onboard PROBA-2
LYRA the Lyman-alpha Radiometer onboard PROBA-2 Current Developments in LYRA Calibration SCSL4 Meeting Brussels 05 Nov 2007

2 Contents Responsivity and Radiometric Model
Purity and Calibration Software Structure of Calibration Paper

3 Head 1 Responsivity Estimation and Measurements

4 Head 1 Responsivity Estimated Extension to UV, VIS, IR

5 ^ Spectral Responsivity Measurement: 2.5 mm x 1.0 mm beam (BESSY NI)
< Channel 1-1 Flatfield Measurement: 10 x 8 x 0.6 mm steps

6 ^ Spectral Responsivity Measurement: 1.5 mm x 1.5 mm beam (BESSY GI)
< Channel 1-4 Flatfield Measurement: 13 x 13 x 0.3 mm steps

7 Channel 1-1 Ly XN + MSM 12 ( /- nm) Spectral Responsivity and Output, Simulated with TIMED/SEE Spectra

8 Channel 1-1 Simulated Relations between Input and Output

9 Channel 1-3 Al + MSM 11 ( nm) Spectral Responsivity and Output, Simulated with TIMED/SEE Spectra

10 Channel 1-3 Simulated Relations between Input and Output

11 The Calibration of LYRA, a Solar UV Radiometer on PROBA2
Abstract 1. Introduction 2. Steps of the Data Calibration Process 2.1. Raw Data 2.2. Exposure Time, Deadtime 2.3. Dark Current 2.4. Voltage-Frequency-Converter 2.5. Resistance 2.6. Radiometric Model Aperture Area Filter Transmittance Detector Responsivity and Flatfields Linearity vs. Photon Flux Stability Purity 2.7. Monitoring Degradation Off-pointing Orbit Variations 3. Discussions and Conclusions References

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