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Reactor Theory: hydraulics

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1 Reactor Theory: hydraulics
TVM 4145 Vannrenseprosesser / unit processes Reactor Theory: hydraulics Prof. TorOve Leiknes

2 Principle of Mass balance:
System boundary Reaction Transport in Transport out Accumulation = In - Out + Generation where: In – Out is net transport in the system Generation is net production or consumption Accumulation is net product left over

3 Mass balance principle applied to reactor theory:
Flow-sheet: Equation form: Reactor Qi, Co Qe, Ce V, C Where rc is reaction rate Reaction rate; rc where: k is the rate coefficient C is the concentration in the reactor n is a constant.

4 Definition of reactor types:
PF: Plug flow reactor NO - Stempelstrømning CMB: Completely mixed batch reactor NO - Ideell blanding CMFR: Completely mixed flow NO - Ideell blanding

5 CMB: Assumptions: closed system reactor volume is constant
homogeneous mixing

6 With a first order reaction and reduction of the concentration:
CMB: With a first order reaction and reduction of the concentration:

7 CMFR: Assumptions: Q, Co Q, C V, C, rc closed system
reactor volume is constant homogeneous mixing Q, Co Q, C V, C, rc

8 CMFR develop theoretical basis for a simplified system consider the system under steady state conditions assume a simple 1.order reaction for removal of a substance i.e. the process kinetics is: Solve the equation with regard to effluent concentration:

9 What is the goal?

10 CMFR in series: Assume steady state and 1.order reaction for rc:
V1, C1, rc1 V2, C2, rc2 V3, C3, rc3 Q Co Q C1 Q C2 Q C3 Assume steady state and 1.order reaction for rc: Reactors er equal, ki=k, Vi/Q=th:

11 What happens when V ≠ constant?
Change in volume: HRT

12 Important / useful equations:
1. Calculation of effluent concentration: 2. Average hydraulic retention time (HRT): For one reactor: Total for n reactors: 3. Total retention time necessary for desired reduction:

13 PF: Assumptions no mixing in the reactor Q
constant velocity through the reactor retention time = theoretical retention time no displacement of liquid elements concentration gradient in along length Q v Consider an element in the reactor: x Q, C Q, C + C A

14 Assume steady-state to analyze the PF reactor:
vx x x x = L Assume 1.order reaction and steady-state:

15 Comparison of reactor types:
Average retention time, th: Reaction order 0.order 1.order 2.order n.order (n1) CMFR: PF:

16 How will the reactors behave?
”Tracer” studies where an inert substance (colour, salt) are used to analyze the hydraulic conditions through the reactor. Time Ideal completely mixed Ideal plug flow C C (gitt volum) Q Reactor Measure C in the outlet

17 Co = concentration distributed in tank volume
t/th C/Co 1.0 Co = concentration distributed in tank volume C = concentration measured in outlet th = theoretical hydraulic retention time (V/Q) t = measured time tmean = center of mass, (1.moment) tmode = average of max concentration tmdian= time for å measure 50% of tracer in outlet Analysis of central tendencies: none: times coincide short-circuits: (tmean -tmedian)/ tmean or (tmean -tmedian)/ tmean dead-zones: th- tmean ; in practice tmean < th Short circuits given by: Distribution given by: t10/t90 or expressed by the variance (s2)

18 Retention time (th) as a function of recycling:
Q rQ Q + rQ V recycling fraction Average retention time is calculated by considering an element(Dq): average retention time:

19 A fraction of the fraction is recycled:
Total retention time for the element: This is a geometric series:

20 PFD: Dispersion model Fick’s lov: Where:
vx x L Dispersion In Bulk flow In Bulk flow Out Dispersion Out  reaksjon Fick’s lov: Where: D is the dispersion coefficient u is average water velocity in x

21  - dispersion large, CMFR
The equations is made dimensionless by: z = x/L og  = tu/L where Is the dispersion number If 0 - dispersion negligible, PF  - dispersion large, CMFR

22 Dispersion number is determined by ”Tracer studies”
use an inert / stable substance which is easy to measure, but with no reaction introduce substance as a pulse with known concentration measure the outlet concentration of the substance over time plot concentration against time, commonly normalized (C) graphs and plots are available for different reaction orders (i.e. Levenspiel & Bischoff)

23 Interpretation of dispersion number:
Based on tracer study

24 Example:

25 Applied in biological systems:
Mass balance principle applies Reaction kinetics for biological systems must be used Activated sludge processes: Reactor Sedimentation Q, So, Xo Q(1+r) Qe, Se, Xe Inflow Outflow V, S, X Return sludge Excess sludge Qr, Xr Qw, Xw =Xr

26 Definitions: Mass balance on cell mass: (steady state)
Hydraulic retention time: Average cell mass retention time: Mass balance on cell mass: (steady state)

27 Solutions/adjustments of equations:
From reaction kinetics: Change in cell mass: Change in substrate concentration:

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