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Peer Review #1 Podcasting Project.

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1 Peer Review #1 Podcasting Project

2 Overview For this round of peer review, you’ll pair up with another group to share thoughts about where you are in the composing process test the “readability” of your script receive feedback about the quality of your script so far formulate a revision plan based on this feedback

3 Logistics Find your partner Choose another group with whom to partner
Create a new collaboration with everyone in your peer review group on Canvas using googledocs. (Make sure I have access to your document as well:

4 Discussion Pair #1: Discuss your topic with the other group, and your purpose and format. Pinpoint parts or aspects of your script that you like and those that you are still unsure about or do not like. Pair #2: Do the same.

5 Spoken Reading Pair #1: Read your script out loud to your peer review partners. Pair #2: Take notes during the reading and discuss your impressions afterwards. Pair #2: Read your script out loud to your peer review partners. Pair #1: Take notes during the reading and discuss your impressions afterwards.

6 Summary Pair #1 & #2: Write a summary paragraph in the collaborative document in which you discuss for the other pair whether the script alludes to a literary text and what effect that has the depth of research shown in the script, using at least one example the engagingness of the script to you as a listener, with suggestions for how to improve in this area how well the script displays development of ideas (evidence, analysis, and substance) how well the script shows the relevance of the topic and the urgency of the purpose (argument, significance and implications (“so what” factor)) how much rhetorical awareness the script demonstrates (response to situation, including purpose, audience, register, and context)

7 Response Pair #1 & #2: Write two sentences using another font color below the summary paragraph for your Draft #1 in which you respond to the comments and state whether and how much your script or project will change as a result of these comments.

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