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Changing Landscape…… What was once performed by uniformed military may now be provided by contractors Contractors perform vital services in support of.

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Presentation on theme: "Changing Landscape…… What was once performed by uniformed military may now be provided by contractors Contractors perform vital services in support of."— Presentation transcript:

1 Changing Landscape…… What was once performed by uniformed military may now be provided by contractors Contractors perform vital services in support of the entire DoD mission and team Maintain combat equipment Move forces to and from combat operations Provide life support at contingency bases Sustain facilities and test ranges Provide health care services Etc.

2 Services Significance
More than half of all DOD contracting dollars spent in support of the warfighter Touches everyone – home station or deployed, services contractors support the mission Interest area of Congress, GAO, and IGs Emphasized by senior leadership “Improving Tradecraft in Acquisition of Services” continues to be a focus of Under Secretary of Defense for Acquisition, Technology, and Logistics (USD(AT&L)) Better Buying Power (BBP) initiatives There has been a shift in focus on Services Acquisitions within the Department because of the growing amount of DOD contracting dollars spent on Services. Additionally, the USD (AT&L), Frank Kendall, put a spotlight on improving the Acquisition of Services by making it one of the seven focus areas in Better Buying Power 2.0, and continuing the focus in BBP 3.0. BBP 1.0 (SEP 2010) required appointment of senior services managers in the MILDEPs and created a uniform taxonomy of Portfolio Groups BBP 2.0 (NOV 2012) appointed the Principal Deputy, USD(AT&L), The Honorable Alan Estevez, as the Senior DoD Manager for Services Acquisition. BBP 2.0 also required assigning Functional Domain Experts (FDE)) for acquisition of services across DoD; Measuring productivity using the services taxonomy; Improving requirements definition/preventing requirements creep; and Expanding the use of requirements review boards and tripwires USD (AT&L) directed a new DoDI on Acquisition of Services be developed to complement the revised DoDI (signature still pending, Dec 2014) OUSD(AT&L) created the Services Acquisition Directorate (at the SES level) within Defense Procurement and Acquisition Policy and tasked it with executing the BBP 1.0 / 2.0 improvement of services acquisition tradecraft as detailed above. BETTER BUYING POWER 3.0,

3 DoD Services Acquisitions 53% of Spend in FY15
Services ($144.3B) S&E ($128.8B) Source: Business Intelligence Tool data from 12 Nov15 Numbers may not add due to rounding

4 DoD 5000.74, 5 Jan 2016 Defense Acquisition of Services
Expands on content formerly in DoDI , Enclosure 9, Dec 2008 Codifies Services Acquisition procedures, requirements and categories (S-CATs) Introduces Functional Services Manager (FSM) & Services Requirements Review Boards (SRRBs)

5 Conclusion
Focus on services acquisition Policies Oversight Training for process improvements Acquisition analysis, leadership/oversight, training and process improvement lead to short and long term benefit to the warfighter and American taxpayer

6 DoDI 5000.74 Defense Acquisition of Services

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