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How to use Nearpod Thursday, 13 September 2018 Friars Academy.

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1 How to use Nearpod Thursday, 13 September 2018 Friars Academy


3 What is ? Nearpod is an app and a web based service which allows you to create or download interactive presentations. You can share and control the pace of the presentation and have an oversight of pupil progress in real time. Students are able to access Nearpod on iPads, computers or any mobile device wherever they are, meaning Nearpod is great for homework. Nearpod keeps a record of pupil engagement and achievements which can be viewed online or printed. 

4 How does work? To begin you will need to create an account. We suggest using your work address for this. Open the Nearpod app or go to Click Sign up and fill in your information. App version (Apple/Android/Windows) Web-based version (

5 Here you will find all your presentations. Explore
My Library Here you will find all your presentations. Explore Discover presentations made by others. You can download content but not all presentations are free. Join Enter a code to join a session. Create Here you can start to create your own presentations. Reports View pupil progress, participation and results. You can download and print reports. Nearpod has a number of very useful step-by-step tutorials available in case you lose your way!

6 Add Activity includes:
To begin, Add Presentation. You can choose to Add content, Add Web Content or Add Activity. Add Content includes: Slides, Video, Slideshow, Field Trip, Audio, PDF Viewer and Live Twitter Stream Add Web Content allows you to add a Website URL so the students will see that page. Add Activity includes: Open ended questions, Poll, Quiz, Draw It, Fill in the Blanks, Memory Test Nearpod has a number of very useful step by step tutorials available in case you lose your way!

7 Add a Quiz. How to use Nearpod Thursday, 13 September 2018
Friars Academy

8 Add an image. Click ‘Change’ and it will take you to a Google Search page. Search for an image it and select it directly. Or you can search your own images.

9 Add a Fill in the Blanks.

10 Add an opinion Poll.

11 Add a Draw It task.

12 How to use Nearpod Thursday, 13 September 2018 Create it. Once you click Create, it will prompt you to name your Presentation/ Quiz. Then Save and Exit. Friars Academy

13 Ready to share your presentation?
If you want to share your presentation in the classroom, go to your Library, hover over the presentation you would like to use and click Live Session. A window will open with a PIN to share with the group. This is the code they will need to use to access the presentations. Only those with the code can access the presentation.

14 Ready to share your presentation?
If you want to share your presentation as a homework task or for pupils to work at their own pace, go to your Library, hover over the presentation you would like to use and click Student-Paced. A window will open with a PIN to share with the group. This is the code they will need to use to access the presentations. Only those with the code can access the presentation.

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